
扬州鲜笋趁鲥鱼,烂煮春风三月初。Yangzhou fresh bamboo shoots take advantage of shad fish, rotten cooking spring breeze in early March.

无声细下飞碎雪,放箸未觉全盘空。Silent fine under the flying snow, put the sheath did not feel the whole empty.

霜余蔬甲淡中甜,春近录苗嫩不蔹。采掇归来便堪煮,半铢盐酪不须添。Frost and vegetables are light and sweet, while spring is near the record of young plants without Cayratia. When you come back, you can cook it. You don’t need to add half baht salt cheese.

西瓜不但瓜肉好吃,瓜皮也好吃,去掉绿皮,剩下白色的部分,把它切成一块一块的再炒,真是一道美味的小菜。Watermelon is not only delicious for its meat, but also for its skin. Remove the green skin and leave the white part. Cut it into pieces and stir fry it. It’s a delicious dish.

小瓷碗盛了滑滑的老豆腐,被切成细丁的胡萝卜懒懒的趴在上面荡漾,薄薄的手抓饼裹泡满满着汤汁被味蕾抓住,嫩嫩的香菜就在舌尖炸开了花。The small porcelain bowl is filled with slippery old tofu. The diced carrots are slouched on it. The thin hand grabbing cake is wrapped in soup and caught by the taste buds. The tender coriander is fried at the tip of the tongue.

这家的烤鱼真不错,颜色金黄,香味四溢,外酥内嫩,皮翠,肉多汁,色香味具全。The grilled fish in this family is really good. It’s golden in color and fragrant. It’s crispy outside and tender inside. It’s green in skin and juicy in meat. It’s full of color and fragrance.

紫驼之峰出翠釜,水精之盘行素鳞;犀箸餍饫久未下,鸾刀缕切空纷纶;黄门飞�不动尘,御厨络绎送八珍。The purple camel’s peak comes out of the green cauldron, and the water essence’s plate runs on the plain scale; the rhino sheath has been eating the cauldron for a long time, and the Luan sword and thread cut the empty and tangled fibers; the yellow gate flying cauldron does not move the dust, and the Imperial chef delivers eight treasures in a stream.

初游唐安饭薏米,炊成不减雕胡美。大如苋实白如玉,滑欲流匙香满屋。When I first visited Tang’an for rice and job’s tears, I could not reduce the carving of Hu Mei. Big as amaranth, white as jade, slippery like spoon fragrance.

明月几时有,把酒问青天;我饮不尽器,半酣味尤长;偶得酒中趣,空杯亦常持。When is the bright moon, I ask Qingtian about the wine. I can’t drink enough, and the half sound taste is long. Sometimes I get the taste of wine, and the empty cup is always held.

人间定无可意,怎换得玉脍丝莼。There must be no meaning in the world. How can I get the jade and silk.

青青竹笋迎船出,白白红鱼入馔来。Green bamboo shoots welcome out of the boat, white and red fish come to eat.

夜雨剪春韭,新炊间黄梁。Spring leeks are cut in the rain at night, and yellow beams are made in the new cooking room.

舟山最有名的要数海鲜了,每当秋天,人们最爱吃的梭子蟹便上市了,它肉质鲜嫩,味道鲜美,是桌子上的佳肴。Zhoushan is most famous for its seafood. In autumn, people’s favorite swimming crab is on the market. It’s tender and delicious. It’s a delicacy on the table.

丰湖有藤菜,似可敌莼羹。There are rattan vegetables in Fenghu lake, which are like the soup of Ulva.

鲜鲫食丝脍,香芹碧涧羹;蜀酒浓无敌,江鱼美可求。Fresh crucian carp, celery and Bijian soup; Sichuan wine is invincible, and the fish is beautiful.

看着桌上的鱼,真香啊!我直流口水,都快忍不住把它们全吃进肚子。Look at the fish on the table. It’s delicious! I can’t help but eat them all into my stomach.

那水灵灵、红艳艳的枣像天上密密麻麻、闪闪烁烁的繁星,一个个都眨着调皮的眼睛。The water and red dates are like the stars in the sky, blinking mischievous eyes one by one.

粽子用绿色的芦叶包着纯白的糯米和红色的枣子,煮熟后,剥开芦叶,只见米团里仿佛嵌着几颗深红油亮的玛瑙,很好看。Zongzi uses green reed leaves to wrap pure white glutinous rice and red dates. When they are cooked, they peel off the reed leaves. It seems that there are several dark red and bright agates embedded in the rice balls, which is very beautiful.

长江绕郭知鱼美,好竹连山觉笋香。The Yangtze River is surrounded by the beautiful fish, and the good bamboo is linked to the mountain to taste the bamboo shoots.

用刀切开它,可以看见那鲜红的瓜肉,里面一颗籽也没有,还没有吃到嘴里,就闻到一股淡淡的清香,你咬一口,嘴唇上舌头上同时染满了鲜红的。When you cut it with a knife, you can see the red melon meat. There is no seed in it. Before you eat it, you can smell a light fragrance. When you take a bite, the tongue on your lips is stained with red at the same time.
