
小泵娘一会儿用画笔顶着下巴想一想,一会儿又抿着嘴画几笔,真像一个进入创作意境的小画家。For a moment, the little pump mother thought about it with her brush against her chin, and then she sipped her mouth to draw several strokes. She was really like a little painter who entered into the artistic conception of creation.

他双手捧着气球,腮帮子一会儿鼓起来,像扣上去半个皮球,一会儿瘪下去,像塌下去的深坑,眼睛睁得滚圆,像要裂开似的。He held the balloon in his hands, and his cheeks puffed up, like half a ball buttoned up, and then he shriveled down, like a sinkhole, and his eyes were round as if they were about to crack.

游戏开始了,这时,我心里有点害怕了,生怕自己一失手,会摔下去。我手心出汗了,也顾不得擦,只是紧紧地抓住铁链。The game began, at this time, I was a little afraid of my own failure, I was afraid of falling. I sweated in the palm of my hand, but could not wipe it. I just grasped the chain tightly.

校园里一片欢声笑语,同学们在相互追逐着、玩耍着,有的在爬竿,有的在跳远,还有的打羽毛球,只有女同学三五成群地跳橡皮筋,并且轻快地哼着歌曲。The campus is full of laughter. Students are chasing and playing with each other. Some are climbing poles, some are jumping long, and some are playing badminton. Only female students are jumping rubber bands in groups and humming songs.

枝头上的小鸟吱吱喳喳地唱起歌,好像也来参加我们的联欢会。The birds on the branches chirped and sang, as if they had come to our party.

毽子好像有一根弹簧绳拴在佳佳脚上似的,不停地在她脚跳上跳下。The shuttlecock seemed to have a spring rope tied to Jiajia’s feet. It kept jumping on and off her feet.

妍妍把毽子轻轻地往空中一扔,等毽子落到离地面半米多高时,她才抬起脚踢了起来。Yan Yan gently throws the shuttlecock into the air. When the shuttlecock is more than half a meter above the ground, she lifts her foot and kicks it.

同学们三五成群在打雪仗,大大小小的雪球,流星一般穿过雪幕,盲目地四处飞扬。Students are fighting snowball in groups, big and small snowballs, meteors generally through the snow curtain, flying around blindly.

时间不多了,我和小萍一组,小慧和小红一组,李明当发令裁判,吟一向,我们都争先恐后地跳着向前跑。Time is running out. I’m in a group with Xiaoping, Xiaohui and Xiaohong. When Li Ming is the referee and chants, we all rush forward.

她这会儿正在秋千上轻盈地荡呢!那红褂子忽快忽慢地划着惹眼的红线,抖出一阵阵时近时远的醉心的、甜畅的笑,活像一只早春的灵秀可爱的小燕子。She’s swinging on the swing now! The red coat quickly and slowly scratched the eye-catching red line, shaking out the intoxicated and sweet smile of the time, like a cute swallow in early spring.


她一跳起皮筋来,就像疯了似的。只见她愈跳愈快,愈跳愈高,时而劈腿,时而倒踢,五花八门,恰如一只蹦蹦跳跳的小猴,使你眼花缭乱。She was as mad as a prick. The faster she dances, the higher she jumps, sometimes she splits, sometimes she kicks backwards. It’s just like a little monkey, which makes you dazzled.

一张张活泼的儿童的笑脸,像春天里娇艳的鲜花在开放。The smiling faces of lively children are like the blooming flowers in spring.

我们的课余活动既丰富又有趣,最有趣的是六一儿童节那天在操场进行的认老师游戏。Our extracurricular activities are both rich and interesting. The most interesting thing is the teacher’s game played on the playground on June 1 children’s day.

还没爬到一半,有几个小伙伴就不敢爬了。我爬到一根枝权上,便坐在树权中间,摘下一朵朵娇艳的桃花,向小伙伴扔去。There are a few friends who dare not climb before they are halfway there. I climbed to a branch right, then sat in the middle of the tree right, picked a delicate peach blossom and threw it to my little friend.

风筝时而骤然腾起,时而滑翔而下,时而打着旋子,时而舒缓徐行,似鹰般迅疾,似鹞般舒展,似海燕般灵敏矫健。Sometimes the kite suddenly rises, sometimes glides down, sometimes spins, sometimes slows down, like an eagle, like a kite, like a swift swift, like a swallo

一个个白球儿连成一条弧线,交错相连,像一颗颗闪光的球。One by one, the white balls are connected in an arc, crisscross and connected, like shining balls.

只见老师把双脚伸进麻袋,双手拎着麻袋口的边,两腿用力一蹦,身子腾了起来。I saw the teacher put his feet into the sack, with his hands on the edge of the sack mouth, and his legs jumped hard, his body leaped up.

他趁小丽不注意,偷偷把她的凳子抽了出来,然后幸灾乐祸地等着瞧热闹。He took advantage of Xiaoli’s inattention, secretly pulled out her stool, and then gloated and waited for the excitement.

他的手仅差一点点就摸着她了,这时她才做了一个鬼脸儿,像溜滑的泥鳅似的蹿出老远。His hand was only a little short of touching her, when she made a face, like a slippery loach running out of the distance.

美丽的夏天是炎热的,老爷爷都到树下乘凉,有的在下棋;老奶奶在树下一边扇扇子一边聊着天,小朋友喜欢到水里玩耍、嬉戏。The beautiful summer is hot. Grandpa goes to the tree to enjoy the cool. Some are playing chess. Grandma fans and talks under the tree. Children like to play and play in the water.
