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对不起,是我让你难堪,大度的你,自然不会与糊涂的我一般见识吧!Sorry, I let you embarrassed, generous of you, not with the confused I of the same level!

我的手机会一直为你开着,如果你肯原谅我,随时可以联系我。My cell phone will always be open for you. If you will excuse me, you can contact me anytime.

爱在我眼里是如此深重,不小心伤害你。不希望因此在你我之间打一个深深地结,原谅我好吗!Love is so deep in my eyes, I don’t care to hurt you. Do not want to make a deep knot between you and me, forgive me?!

一颗傻傻的心,在痴痴的等着你的原谅。A silly heart, in waiting for you to forgive.

对不起,下次不敢啦!请接受我诚心的道歉,不要再生气了,好不好?Sorry, next time dare not! Please accept my sincere apology, don’t get angry again, OK?

我知道都是我的错,请你原谅我吧,我们以后都不要再吵架了好吗?I know it’s all my fault. Please forgive me. Let’s not quarrel any more, shall we?

千变万变不变的是我的心;千错万错都是我一人的错;千言万语只想说一声对不起。Change change change is my heart; a thousand mistakes are my one mistake; thousands and thousands of words just want to say sorry.

嘿,哥们,知道你不会怪罪我的,今晚一起喝一顿吧。Hey, man, you know you won’t blame me. Have a drink tonight.

亲爱的:你说我写的情书是长篇小说,看着累又受罪,所以我改用发短信息,精美又不贵。Dear: you say that my love letters are novels, tired and suffer, so I use short messages, beautiful and inexpensive.

很想和你去吹吹风,吹掉我给你的不愉快,只留下我给你的开心。Really want to blow you off, I give you is not happy, just leave me give you happy.


虽然我们时常吵架,还有对你所说的话,都是一气之下所说的气话,但在我心里还是很爱你。Although we often quarrel, and say to you, all is said angrily angry words, but in my heart still love you.

愧疚的我不知道该怎样开口,但还是要说声对不起。Sorry, I don’t know how to do it, but I’m sorry.

对不起,这两天惹你生气了!不是有意的,原谅我吧!别往心里去!Sorry, this two days make you angry! Not intentional, forgive me! Don’t take it personally!

也许是我的幼稚刺伤了你的心!别再用痛苦的过去折磨自己!我并无害你之心。Maybe it’s my immaturity that stabbed your heart! Don’t torture yourself with painful past! I do not harm your heart.

你的无心伤害,伤的是你,痛的是我。Your unintentional injury, hurt you, pain is me.

在这我真诚地请你原谅,别生气了好吗?I sincerely ask you to excuse me, don’t get angry, OK?

很想多陪陪你,无奈身不由己。请谅解,我爱你。Want to spend more time with you, but involuntarily. Please forgive me, I love you.

我不好,我检讨;我不对,我有罪;是我错,我该过。我的好朋友,请你原谅我!I’m not good, I review, I’m wrong, I’m guilty; I’m wrong, I should have passed. My good friend, please forgive me!

你不要告诉我,你真的很生气。其实我知道,因为你很在乎我!而我也只能告诉你:很抱歉。You don’t tell me, you’re really angry. In fact, I know, because you care about me! And I can only tell you: I’m sorry.

相爱使我们变得心胸狭隘,亲爱的,一切都是因为爱你太深。Love makes us narrow minded, dear, everything is because you love too much.
