

那邂逅是最美的意外,蓦然一想,不对,我们自己就是这温馨画面中的风景。That encounter is the most beautiful accident, suddenly think, no, we are the scenery in this warm picture.

遇到你,是我前世最珍贵的缘分;遇到你,是我今生最美丽的邂逅。Meeting you is the most precious fate in my previous life; meeting you is the most beautiful encounter in my life.

一场繁华的邂逅,一段静默的收场。A prosperous encounter, a quiet ending.

我们相遇在对的地点,却错了邂逅的时间。We met at the right place, but at the wrong time.

依窗微坐,静观窗外,层叠有序,看不清楚,时光如水,流过指尖,滑动无数。Sit by the window and watch the windo It’s orderly and can’t be seen clearly. Time is like water, flowing through fingertips and sliding countless times.

这座城市好落寞,繁华却孤单,热闹却寂寞,脚步停留,却等不到邂逅。This city is so lonely, bustling but lonely, bustling but lonely, footsteps stay, but can’t wait to meet.

在那个青春烂漫的岁月里,不经意间与你相遇。In the youth of the years, inadvertently met with you.

邂逅,在不经意的转角间相遇。Meet, meet in the corner of the inadvertent.

人际间的缘分,是在生活中邂逅,又在生活中流失。Interpersonal predestination, is in life encounter, but also in life loss.

岁月流转,终握不住红妆到苍颜的无情。Years of circulation, finally can not hold the red make-up to the merciless face.


我们没有事先约定的相遇,却邂逅了约定一生的誓言。We did not meet in advance, but met the promise of a lifetime.

红尘邂逅,何须情深缘浅,相遇便是最美的风景。The meeting of the world of mortals is the most beautiful scenery.

缘之开始,始于命运,命运之流涌动,终成美丽的邂逅。The beginning of fate begins with fate, and the flow of fate surges and finally becomes a beautiful encounter.

邂逅是最美丽的时间,在千万人海之中,我却一眼就找到了你。Encounter is the most beautiful time, in the sea of thousands of people, but I found you at a glance.

不经意的邂逅,不经意的别离,人生总是这样,很无奈。Inadvertent encounter, inadvertent separation, life is always like this, very helpless.

人与自然邂逅,我与美丽邂逅。Man meets nature, I meet beauty.

那,只是一次邂逅。而我,却遇见了前所未有的美丽。Well, it was just an encounter. But I met the beauty that I had never seen before.

在你的眼眸里,邂逅无尽的美好。抚平时光之痕,让岁月变成一场美丽盛宴!In your eyes, meet endless beauty. Smoothes the time trace, lets the time become a beautiful feast!

诗一般的人生,总会有美丽的邂逅!Poetic life, there will always be a beautiful encounter!

在纷繁的世事中,想与美丽邂逅,一起虚度芳华。In the numerous affairs of the world, I want to meet with beauty and spend my time together.
