
人生就像小路分岔的花园,有时候,一步选择,就能决定后面所有的路。Life is like a garden where paths diverge. Sometimes, one step of choice can determine all the paths behind.

生命的意义,不仅在于不断实现人生的目标,还在于不断提升人生的目标。The meaning of life is not only to achieve the goal of life, but also to improve the goal of life.

爱情是讲情的去处,不是讲理的地方。女友和道理在这儿只能选一个。Love is the place of love, not reason. Girlfriend and reason can only choose one here.

在人生的品格组成中,坚持不懈甚至是比能力更重要的最有价值的因素。In the composition of life’s character, perseverance is even more important than ability.

不要怕,总会有一个瞎了眼的人看上你,你要等啊!Don’t be afraid, there will always be a blind person who looks up to you, you have to wait!

那一天如果没遇见你,我是不是还是以前那个快乐的人过着各自的人生。If I didn’t meet you that day, would I still live my own life as the happy man before.

整个人生就是思想与劳动,劳动虽然是无闻的、平凡的,却是不能间断的。The whole life is thought and labor. Although labor is unheard of and ordinary, it cannot be interrupted.

人生与其说你有不幸的实情存留,倒不及说是你的颓丧的思想所带来的。Life is not so much about the fact that you have misfortunes, as about your decadent thoughts.

人生是一头马,轻快而健壮的马,人要像骑手那样大胆而细心地驾驭它。Life is a horse, a light and strong horse, which should be controlled boldly and carefully like a rider.

青年的朝气倘已消失,前进不己的好奇心已衰退以后,人生就没有意义。If the youth’s vitality has disappeared and the curiosity to advance has declined, life will be meaningless.


人生有两大欢乐,一是拥有后可以细细品味,二是追求之中的备感充实。There are two great joys in life. One is that you can savor them carefully after you have them. The other is that you can enrich yourself in your pursuit.

人生至少有一次,为了某个人丢掉矜持,放下自尊,毁掉自己的全部原则。At least once in life, for someone to lose their reserve, put down their self-esteem, destroy all their principles.

孤寂人生,谁来倾听你心中的清音;放眼未来,谁来领略你双眸的色彩。Lonely life, who will listen to the voice of your heart; look into the future, who will appreciate the color of your eyes.

人生的道路虽然漫长,但紧要处常常只有几步,特别是当人年轻的时候。Although the road of life is long, there are often only a few steps to be taken, especially when people are young.

人生的酸甜苦辣就像自然界的春秋冬夏,一帆风顺的不是人生,而是童话。The ups and downs of life are like the spring and autumn, winter and summer of nature. It’s not life, but fairy tales that make everything smooth.

我们所坚信的、赖以生存的记忆,有时候,会成为人生中最荒谬的谎言。The memory we believe in and depend on for survival sometimes becomes the most absurd lie in life.

人生常态:当你可以放弃的时候,你不想;当你想放弃的时候,却不能。Normal life: when you can give up, you don’t want to; when you want to give up, you can’t.

人生的许多大困难,只要活着,没有什么是解决不了的,时间和智慧而已。There are many big difficulties in life, as long as we live, nothing can’t be solved, just time and wisdom.

人生代代无穷已,江月年年只相似。不知江月待何人,但见长江送流水。There are endless generations of life, and the river and the moon are similar year by year. I don’t know who Jiangyue is waiting for, but I see the Yangtze River sending water.

人生在世寻梦难,苦短一遭何须怨?狂风迷沙人心直,我以我行荐任心。It’s hard to find a dream in the world. What’s to blame for a short life? The wind is strong and the people are straight. I recommend you.


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