
人生的痛苦莫过于经历了超级风雨后,不但没看到彩虹,结果还感冒了。The pain of life is nothing more than the experience of super wind and rain, not only did not see the rainbow, the result also cold.

要有积极的人生态度,不要受了点挫折就想不开,人生最尊贵者莫过于生。To have a positive attitude towards life, don’t be a bit frustrated and can’t think of it. The most honorable person in life is life.

上班之后,我懂得了很多质朴却深刻的人生道理,比如:一定要睡午觉啊!After work, I learned a lot of simple but profound life principles, such as: be sure to take a nap!

使你自己有更多更多工作,使你习惯于工作。这是人生快乐的第一个条件。Make yourself have more and more work, make you used to work. This is the first condition for a happy life.

人生是指我们若没有嗜好的话,便不过如同极度无聊经营不善的剧院而已。Life means that if we don’t have hobbies, we are just like a theater that is extremely boring and poorly managed.

与其高官厚禄,车尘马足,不如行扁舟,赏垂柳,笑看人生,一世风流。It’s better to go on a boat, enjoy the willows, laugh at life and have a good life than to be a high-ranking official and rich in wealth.

毅力要用在人生关键问题上,大小事都表现出毅力是时间和精力的浪费。Perseverance should be used on the key issues of life. Perseverance is a waste of time and energy.

爱情,要不慌不燥,天生一对的人,正如约而至。Love, do not panic not dry, born a pair of people, just as the appointment.

在虚幻的网游戏里玩了这么久,厌倦了才发现最好玩最真实的游戏是人生。In the unreal network game played for so long, tired to find the most fun the most real game is life.

人生是非常短暂的,但如果只注意到生命的短暂,那就一点价值都没有了。Life is very short, but if you only pay attention to the short life, it has no value at all.


生活从来都不会停止向前,保持专注,别因为后悔而放慢脚步。Life never stops. Stay focused. Don’t slow down because you are sorry.

悲剧将人生的有价值的东西毁灭给人看,喜剧将那无价值的撕破给人看。Tragedy destroys the valuable things of life, and comedy tears the worthless things.

人生的底色就是悲哀,我们做很多事情的目的,就是不断地冲淡这悲哀。The bottom color of life is sadness. The purpose of many things we do is to constantly dilute the sadness.

对不起,性格就是这样,学不会主动,学不会挽留,更学不会死缠烂打。I’m sorry, that’s the way of character. You can’t learn to be active, you can’t learn to stay, and you can’t learn to cling to others.

要留下人生足迹,必须一步一个脚印;要少走人生弯路,必须三思而后行。To leave footprints in life, we must step by step; to avoid detours in life, we must think twice before we go.

人生并没有绝对的痛苦与幸福,有的只是一种状态与另一种状态的对比。There is no absolute pain and happiness in life. There is only a contrast between one state and another.

我人生最大的梦想,就是和你站在同一个高点,一起俯瞰这个世界的繁华。My biggest dream in life is to stand on the same high ground with you and overlook the prosperity of the world together.

我猜,人生到头来就是不断地放下,但遗憾的是,我们却来不及好好道别。I guess the end of life is to put it down, but unfortunately, we have no time to say goodbye.

天下风云出我辈,一入江湖岁月催,皇图霸业谈笑中,不胜人生一场醉。The world’s situation is our generation. As soon as we enter the Jianghu, we are urged to talk and laugh about Huang Tu’s hegemony. We are too drunk in life.

要得到你想要的某件东西,最可靠的办法是让你自己配得上它。The surest way to get something you want is to make yourself worthy of it.
