
夜空雪花飘,落地人心颤。你既已无情,我又和来悔。情殇已了然,此地雪依旧。The snowflakes in the night sky flutter, and people tremble when they land. You have been merciless, I and to regret. Love has been clear, the snow is still here.

雪,像烟一样轻,像银一样白,飘飘摇摇,纷纷扬扬,从天空中洒下来。Snow, as light as smoke, as white as silver, flutters and shakes, flutters and falls from the sky.

天红云,满海金波,红日像一炉沸腾的钢水,喷薄而出,金光耀眼。The sky is red, the sea is full of gold waves, and the red sun is like a furnace of boiling molten steel, which spews out thin and glitters with gold.

看看远处连绵的高山,被雪蒙着身躯,如雪白的绸缎,云朵的影子如暗花绣在上面,好一个圣洁的山。Look at the mountains in the distance. They are covered with snow, like white silk, and the shadow of clouds is embroidered on them like dark flowers. It’s a holy mountain.

像棉絮一般雪,像芦花一般雪,像蒲公英带绒毛种子一般雪,在风中飞舞。Like the snow of cotton, like the snow of reed, like the snow of dandelion with fluffy seeds, flying in the wind.

隆冬,北风�C冽,银灰色的云块在天空中奔腾驰骋,寒流滚滚,正酝酿着一场大雪。In the middle of winter, the north wind is cold, and the silver gray clouds are galloping in the sky. The cold current is rolling, and a heavy snow is brewing.

冬天真的来了,蜜蜂都回到了温暖的家,还有好吃的食物,可小蝴蝶却在外面用翅膀捂着身子,饿着肚子,连声音也变粗了。Winter is really coming, the bees are back to the warm home, there are delicious food, but the little butterfly is outside with wings cover the body, hungry stomach, even the voice has become thick.

送走了五谷丰登的秋天,雪花飞舞的冬天终于来临了。Sent off the harvest of autumn, the snow flying winter finally came.

凛冽的寒风无情的吹着这些可怜的流浪汉们。在这冰冷刺骨的地方,人是不可能生存的。The cold wind blows mercilessly on these poor tramps. It’s impossible for people to survive in this cold and piercing place.

从开始哭着嫉妒,变成了笑着羡慕。时间是怎么样爬过了,我皮肤只有我自己最清楚,红豆,还没好好的感受。From the beginning of crying envy, into a smile envy. Time is how to climb, my skin is only my own most clear, red beans, not a good feeling.

寒冷的严冬,河水一改往日的活泼,似乎恬静地睡着了那年冬天,那个冷呀,把人冻得鼻酸头疼,两脚就像两块冰。The cold winter, the river changed the past lively, it seems to sleep peacefully that winter, that cold ah, people’s nose acid headache, feet like two pieces of ice.

冬天来啦!冬天来啦!冬姑娘披着一身洁白衣裳,左手拿着一把剪刀,右手拿着一把扇子,匆匆地来了。Winter is coming! Winter is coming! Winter girl came in a hurry, dressed in white, with a pair of scissors in her left hand and a fan in her right hand.

来到了山北的竹树旁,只见它们毅然挺立在草地上,北风吹过,它们摇了摇头,似乎不怕这冷冷的寒冬。When I came to the bamboo trees in the north of the mountain, I saw them standing on the grass resolutely. When the north wind blew, they shook their heads, as if they were not afraid of the cold winter.

冬天大雪纷飞,小雪花像一个个小精灵一样,蹦蹦跳跳的落了下来,给人们带来了一丝丝寒意。In winter, there is a lot of snow, and the little snowflakes are like little elves, jumping and falling down, which brings a little chill to people.

阵阵春风,吹散云雾,太阳欣然露出笑脸,把温暖和光辉洒满湖面。The spring wind blows away the clouds, and the sun smiles happily, spreading warmth and brightness all over the lake.

冬天,这里的天总是阴沉沉、灰蒙蒙的,太阳好像很怕冷似的,从东边向西边一滑就过去了。In winter, the sky here is always overcast and gray. The sun seems to be afraid of the cold. It slides from the east to the West.

冬天,天空中下起鹅毛大雪,到处是一片白色,唯有松树还是那样鲜绿,点点雪片飘落在上面,好像是朵朵白花。In winter, it snowed heavily, and there was white everywhere. Only the pine tree was still so green, and little flakes of snow fell on it, like white flowers.

轻柔的小雪花飘飘悠悠地落下来。渐渐地,小雪花变大了,变厚了,密密麻麻的。The soft little snowflakes drifted down. Gradually, the small snowflakes become larger, thicker and dense.

冬爷爷匆匆地接了秋姑娘班,来到了我们身边,它带来了凛冽寒风,带来了枯枝凝寒景象,让我们感觉到冬天来了!Winter grandpa hurriedly picked up the autumn girl class and came to us. It brought the cold wind and the cold scene of withered branches, making us feel that winter is coming!

笔直的水泥路上已经盖上了一条长长的白地毯,那么纯洁,那么晶莹,看起来真叫人不忍心把脚踩上去。Straight cement road has been covered with a long white carpet, so pure, so crystal clear, it seems that people can’t bear to step on their feet.
