秋末的黄昏来得总是很快,还没等山野上被日光蒸发起的水气消散。太阳就落进了西山。At dusk is always very quickly, before the hills by solar evaporation of moisture dissipation. The sun fell into the west hill.
还有嫁接的树木,排列的很整齐,像等待着操练的士兵,又像是在进行阅兵仪式,很是壮观。There are grafted trees, arranged in neat rows, like soldiers waiting for practice, as well as a parade ceremony, which is spectacular.
昔日破烂不堪的校舍已不翼而飞,崭新的教学大楼屹立在屏障似的围墙里面,小巧玲珑的传达室守卫在大门旁边。The old buildings have been in shreds and patches of new teaching building take wings to itself, standing in the barrier like inside the wall of the front guard, little and dainty beside the gate.
我想看一场盛大的流行陨落的过程、我要一直不停许愿、许到沧海桑田瞬息万变直到靠近你微笑淡晴的脸。I want to see a big popular falling process, I will always keep wishing, Xu changing until close to the gloomy light sunny smile face.
河两岸已由嫩绿色变为深绿的河柳,拂动着重生的柔软的枝条,倒映在河面上,使河水也染上绿色,似乎一河翡翠向东奔腾。On both sides of the river by the tender green into dark green willow, whisking the rebirth of the soft branches, reflected in the river, with green river, a river to the East seems to be jade pentium.
月亮睁大眼睛,和蔼地望着村落和郊野,极像一只被擦亮的铜盘。The moon eyes and gazed at the village and country, very like a polished copper.
夜晚,满月升起来了,一片安静跟着银雾般的月光洒在大地上。个性qq昵称。At night, the full moon came up, and a quiet and silvery moonlight sprinkled on the earth. Personality QQ nickname.
山里很静,春光拂擦过的地方,桃花于枝头羞赧地闪烁一种温柔的殷红,一种无比的诱惑,如爱情覆盖在枝丫上,闪烁着炫目的色彩。The mountain is very quiet, spring brushing over the place, the peach blossom in the branches shyly flashing a soft red, a great temptation, such as love in their coverage, flashing a dazzling color.
满月像个黄黄的灯笼,从东方天边挑起在天空。The full moon is like a yellow lantern, from the east to stir up in the sky.
影影绰绰的群山像是一个睡意未醒的仙女,披着蝉翼般的薄纱,脉脉含情,凝眸不语。The shadowy mountains like a sleepy unawakened fairy, wearing a Chanyi gauze, with nothing very much enamored.
校园里有迷人的四季:桃红柳绿的春天,花繁叶茂的夏天,枫红菊香的秋天,松青雪白的冬天。The campus has a charming four seasons: taogongliulu spring, summer andflourishing, red maple chrysanthemum autumn, winter is white pine green.
不用总承诺要给她多好的生活,因为她爱你就会相信你,承诺一次,她就永远不会忘记,她看得见你的努力。Do not always promise to give her a good life, because she love you will believe you, promise once, she will never forget, she can see your efforts.
春天的校园,富有生机;夏天的校园,充满活力;秋天的校园,挂满笑意;冬天的校园则是另有一番情趣!The campus of spring is full of vitality; the campus of the summer is full of vitality; the autumn campus is full of laughter; the campus of the winter is another fun!
一片辽阔的大草原,大得无边无际,微风扶着泥土散发出的芳香,把一大片一大片庄稼吹得如涟波荡漾。A vast prairie, boundless, a breeze leaning exudes the fragrance of the soil, a large crop blowing as ripple waves.
他不像染,秀丽可却粗旷。他美的不野,文静镇定的姿态始终是他给人的影响。He is not like dyed, but beautiful but rough. His beauty and calm and calm attitude have always been his influence.
夕阳已经落山,天际冲起一团半圆形的霞光。霞光是橘黄色的。由里向外,色度逐渐由浅变深,最后变为橘红。The sun has been downhill, the sky a semi-circular red glo Light is orange. From the inside to the outside, color gradually from shallow to deep, and finally changed to orange.
夜晚,满月升起来了,一片宁静随着银雾般的月光洒在大地上。At night, the full moon came up, and a serenity spilled over the earth with the silver – like moonlight.
窗外一片黑暗,时不时还有海风呼啸的声音,屋里却很温暖,妻子静静的等待丈夫的归来,突然又一阵强烈的海啸洗卷而来!It was dark outside the window, and there was still the whistling of the sea breeze. The room was very warm, and the wife waited for her husband to return quietly. Suddenly, there was another strong tsunami.
远处,一座座山峰拔地而起,山上绿树成阴,又有花儿映衬,把整个山峰打扮得分外妖烧。In the distance, the mountain peaks rise, the green trees on the mountain are cloudy, and the flowers are lined up, and the whole mountain is dressed up to burn by the demon.
冷月高挂枝梢,北风把光溜溜的树枝,吹得呼呼直叫。The moon hangs high shoot, the north wind to bare branches, whistling calls.