
同创安全工地,共享美好生活。Create safety sites and share a good life.

安全必须生产,安全必须文明。Security must be produced, and security must be civilized.

安全保健康,千金及不上。Safety and health, and not the daughter.

完善质量体系、强化工程质量。We should improve the quality system and strengthen the quality of the project.

安全千金难买,命运自己主宰。A thousand gold is hard to buy, and fate dominates it.

校园是我家,平安靠大家。The campus is my home, safe to rely on everyone.

固安全防线,解后顾之忧。Secure the line of security and security.

加强质量管理、建设优质工程。We should strengthen quality management and build high quality projects.

创一流工作业绩,树交通文明新风。The first class work achievement, the tree traffic civilization new wind.

提高安全意识,建设文明工地。Improve safety awareness and build a civilized construction site.

小洞不补,大洞吃苦。A big hole in hardship.

保证工程质量,造福子孙后代!Ensure the quality of the project and benefit the future generations.

安全施工,幸福一生。Safe construction, happy life.

用环保理念,建绿色文明工地。With the idea of environmental protection, a green and civilized construction site is built.

把握安全,拥有明天。Seize the security, have tomorro

对违章的庇护,就是对职工的伤害。The sanctuary of the violation is the harm to the workers.

莫因一时侥幸,招致一生不幸。Mo 1:00 luck, lead to unfortunate life.

生命是个宝、健康最重要。Life is a treasure and health is the most important.

广泛动员,狠抓落实,群防群控。Extensive mobilization, hard work, group prevention and control.

树名牌意识、创精品工程。The consciousness of the famous brand of the tree and the creation of a fine quality project.
