
我爱的人,不是我的爱人,他心里每一寸都属于另一个人。The person I love is not my lover, and every inch of his heart belongs to the other.

喜欢了就是喜欢了,没有退路,利落干脆,不需要挣扎。I like it, I like it, there’s no way out, it’s crisp, it doesn’t need to struggle.

暗恋也是一种爱,但爱的结局总是心痛。Secret love is also a kind of love, but the end of love is always heartache.

我拒绝了所有人的暧昧,只为等你的一个不确定的未来。I refuse the ambiguity of everyone, just to wait for an uncertain future for you.

我把青春耗在暗恋里的,却不能和你在一起!I spend my youth in my secret love, but I can’t be with you!

我还是仍然爱你的我,就算你永远不是我的。I still love you, even if you are never mine.

或许以后我再不会对任何一个人,那样真心的付出了。Maybe I will not pay for anyone in the future.

有一种感动叫分享,有一种幸福叫暗恋。There is a kind of feeling called sharing, and there is a kind of happiness called secret love.

既然你已知道,为什么仍然那样对我?Now that you know, why do you still do that to me?

有时候想一个人,回忆,笑了,再回忆,哭了。Sometimes I think of a person, a memory, a smile, a recollection, and a cry.


你如今的一句对不起,讽刺了当初的我爱你。You are now sorry, the irony of the original I love you.

弯眉间,我已爱你千百遍,你却不曾回头看我一眼。Curved eyebrows, I love you a thousand times, but you have not looked back at me.

你是太阳,我是向日葵,始终,坚定的向着你。You are the sun, I am a sunflower, always, firmly to you.

很后悔认识了你,你让我感受到你不在我身边时的痛苦。I regret to know you, you make me feel the pain when you are not around me.

默默地看着你,默默地骗自己,默默地拉开了距离。Silently looking at you, silently deceiving oneself, quietly open the distance.

就算全世界与我为敌,我也会继续爱你。Even if the world is against me, I will continue to love you.

青春是宝贵的,如果不珍惜,真的会后悔的。Youth is precious. If you don’t cherish it, you will really regret it.

初恋:世界上最美丽的事情。暗恋:世界上最隐蔽的事情。First love: the most beautiful thing in the world. Secret love: the most hidden thing in the world.

不管承不承认,那个人,就从不曾属于过我。Whether or not to admit it, that man never belonged to me.

叶子是不会飞翔的翅膀,翅膀是落在天上的叶子!The leaf is the wing that will not fly, the wing is the leaf that falls in the sky!
