
跑步,跑出好心情,跑出好身体,我爱跑步。Running, running out of a good mood, running out of a good body, I love running.

舞蹈使我的生活更加美好,我热爱舞蹈。Dancing makes my life better. I love dancing.

我希望能一直拿着手中的画笔,描绘出我内心的一片天地。I hope that I can always hold the brush in my hand and describe the world in my heart.

我的爱好很多,但是我最喜欢看书,一有时间我几乎都“泡”在书里。I have many hobbies, but I like reading best. I almost “soak” in books whenever I have time.

画画丰富了我的课余生活,画画这一活动�o了我无穷的乐趣,我喜欢画画!Painting enriches my after-school life. Painting gives me endless fun. I like painting!

爱好是一种无形的动力,是促使我们在某一领域追求成功的驱动力。Hobby is a kind of invisible driving force, and it is the driving force for us to pursue success in a certain field.

通过学骑自行车这件事,我明白了做什么事都要坚持,只有坚持才能成功。By learning how to ride a bicycle, I learned to stick to everything. Only by sticking to it can I succeed.

兴趣对学习来说是一种极大的动力,它引导人们去探索,去学习,去实践。Interest is a great driving force for learning. It guides people to explore, study and practice.

通过学溜冰我懂得了只要坚持不懈,任何事都能成功!By learning to skate, I learned that anything can be successful as long as it is persistent!

书就像一位博学多才的老师,带我徜徉知识的海洋,教给我用之不竭的知识。Books are like a knowledgeable teacher, taking me to wander the ocean of knowledge and teaching me inexhaustible knowledge.


我热爱看书,书是一个真正的好朋友,能让我在书海里尽情地遨游。I love reading books. Books are a real good friend, which can let me enjoy my travel in the book sea.

虽然做手工要开动脑筋,并且会遇到很多麻烦,但我很喜欢做手工。Although I have to use my brain to do manual work, and I will encounter many troubles, but I like doing manual work very much.

书法,它似水滋润我的心田,让我终身受益匪浅。Calligraphy, like water, moistens my heart and benefits me for life.

我的兴趣是看书,因为只有书,才能照亮我前进的路程。My interest is reading, because only books can illuminate my way forward.

书的魅力无穷,书的世界最大。The charm of books is endless, and the world of books is the largest.

我迷上了书,书成了我的最爱,我感到读书是我人生中的一大快事!I fell in love with books, books became my favorite, I feel that reading is a great pleasure in my life!

我的兴趣爱好有很多,有钢琴、乒乓球等等,不过我最喜欢的要数围棋了。I have many hobbies, such as piano, table tennis and so on, but my favorite is go.

我爱书,书让我增长了很多知识,让我的成绩上了一个新台阶。I love books, books let me increase a lot of knowledge, let my achievements to a new level.

我的爱好会伴我健康成长,会帮助我克服困难,会让我天天向上。My hobby will accompany me to grow up healthily, will help me to overcome difficulties, will let me go up day by day.

我非常喜欢跳舞,我要用给我的舞蹈舞出美丽的人生。I like dancing very much. I want to use the dance for me to make a beautiful life.


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