
我爱书,它给了我快乐,给了我许多知识,让我忘记烦恼。I love books, they give me happiness, give me a lot of knowledge, let me forget my troubles.

兴趣,在人生中似暗香浮过,在童年中似水流年。Interest, in life like fragrance floating, in childhood like water.

画画不仅可以开拓我们的想象力,并且可以让我得到快乐,我爱画画。Painting can not only open up our imagination, but also make me happy. I love painting.

我相信长大后,我的美梦一定会成真的,这还要我从现在开始努力才行。I believe that when I grow up, my dream will come true. I have to work hard from now on.

读书丰富了我的知识,陶冶了我的情操,我喜欢这样的业余爱好。Reading has enriched my knowledge and cultivated my sentiment. I like such hobbies.

我的兴趣爱好很独特,它是长笛,看似容易,其实很难。My hobbies are very unique. It’s flute. It seems easy, but in fact it’s very difficult.

我爱好童话写作,我会沿着这条路走下去,直至永远。I love fairy tale writing. I will go down this road forever.

我爱弹古筝,不仅培养了我顽强的毅力,也让我从中感受到艺术的美和乐趣。I love playing zither, which not only cultivates my perseverance, but also makes me feel the beauty and fun of art.

原来多看书能让人增加知识与智慧,这就是我情有独钟的兴趣和爱好。It turns out that reading more books can increase people’s knowledge and wisdom. That’s what I like.

我真喜欢这个滑板车啊!它让我的课余生活充满了快乐,充满了刺激!I really like this scooter! It makes my after-school life full of happiness and excitement!

我的一生都离不开小提琴!它让我感到兴奋。快乐!我喜欢小提琴!I can’t live without the violin! It excites me. Happy! I like violin!

书,照亮了我前进的道路,它让我从哪里摔倒就从哪里爬起来。The book, illuminating my way forward, let me climb up from where I fall.

兴趣是最好的老师,因为兴趣会激发出勤奋,而勤奋会创造出天才。Interest is the best teacher, because interest will inspire diligence, and diligence will create genius.

书,每个人都很清楚,我就是一个爱看书的小姑娘。Book, everyone knows that I am a little girl who loves reading.

我的兴趣爱好是画画,因为画画的颜色非常鲜艳,美丽。My hobby is painting, because the color of painting is very bright and beautiful.

听歌不只使我心情抒畅,也使我对音乐和歌曲有更深的认识。Listening to songs not only makes my mood clear, but also makes me have a deeper understanding of music and songs.

兴趣决定着成功,我们要多培养一些良好的兴趣,让自我更好的发展!Interest determines success. We need to cultivate more good interests so that we can develop ourselves better!

跳绳,一项很好的体育活动,他就是我的兴趣爱好之一。Skipping rope, a good sport, is one of my hobbies.

我爱运动,我爱打乒乓球。打乒乓球使我的生活变得丰富多彩、有滋有味。I love sports. I love playing table tennis. Playing table tennis makes my life colorful and interesting.

如果说爱好是一片松柏林,那么看书则是深藏于莽莽野林中的黄金宝藏。If love is a pine Berlin, then reading is a gold treasure hidden in the wild forest.
