
我总是期盼着一年中白昼最长的一天,最终也还是错过了。――菲茨杰拉德《了不起的盖茨比》I always look forward to the longest day of the year, and I finally miss it.

对未来的真正慷慨,是把一切都献给现在。――阿尔贝・加缪《反抗者》The real generosity to the future is to give everything to the present.

胆小鬼连幸福都害怕,碰到棉花都会受伤。――太宰治《人间失格》Cowards are afraid of happiness. They will get hurt when they meet cotton.

太阳照常升起,一切都没有改变。――塞缪尔・贝克特《墨菲》The sun rose as usual and nothing changed.

生活中即使有更多的恶,也要相信有更多的善。――查尔斯・狄更斯《雾都孤儿》Even if there are more evils in life, we should believe in more good.

人都是为希望而活,因为有了希望,人才有生活的勇气。――托尔斯泰《安娜・卡列尼娜》People live for hope, because with hope, people have the courage to live.

幸福的家庭是相同的,不幸的家庭各有各的不同。――列夫・托尔斯泰《安娜・卡列尼娜》Happy families are the same, unhappy families are different.

谁说现在是冬天呢?当你在我身旁时,我感到百花齐放,鸟唱蝉鸣。――勃朗特《简爱》Who says it’s winter? When you are by my side, I feel flowers blooming, birds singing cicadas.

他的话像是一段纠缠在一起的链索,并没有欠缺,可是全弄乱了。――莎士比亚《仲夏夜之梦》His words are like a tangled chain, no lack, but it’s all messed up.

女人必须找一个自己尊敬的人做丈夫,这样她才能获得幸福。――简・奥斯汀《傲慢与偏见》A woman must find someone she respects to be her husband so that she can be happy.

乐趣不论平凡还是不平凡,只属于感觉到的人。――米兰・昆德拉《慢》Fun, whether ordinary or extraordinary, belongs only to those who feel it.

我年华虚度,空有一身疲倦。――海子《以梦为马》All that the years of idleness leaves me is a whole bunch of weariness.

送给女人的东西,很少是真正自己的,拆穿了都是借花献佛。――钱钟书《围城》Few of the things given to women are really their own. They are all borrowed flowers for Buddha.

住楼就住顶层,居高且能望远。看戏就坐后排,看不清戏却看得清看戏的人。――贾平凹《自在独行》Living on the top floor, high and can look far. A person who can’t see a play clearly but can see a play clearly.

为你,千千万万遍。――卡勒德・胡赛尼《追风筝的人》for you, a thousand times over.

爱情应该给人一种自由感,而不是囚禁感。――劳伦斯《儿子与情人》Love should give people a sense of freedom, not a sense of imprisonment.

大人都学坏了,上帝正考验他们呢,你还没有受考验,你应当照着孩子的想法生活。――高尔基《童年》Adults are learning badly. God is testing them. You haven’t been tested yet. You should live according to children’s ideas.

天亮之前有一个时间是非常暗的,星也没有,月亮也没有。――茅盾《子夜》There was a time before dawn when it was very dark, and there was no star or moon.

懦者从不启程,弱者死于途中,只剩我们前行,一步都不能停。――菲尔奈特《鞋狗》Cowards never leave, the weak die on the way, only we go forward, one step can not stop.

生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得思考的问题。――莎士比亚《哈姆雷特》Whether to survive or not is a question worth thinking about.
