对不起,开个玩笑,有得罪处请包含。I’m sorry, joking, there are offended please include.
在这我真诚地请你原谅,别生气了好吗?I sincerely ask you to excuse me, don’t get angry, OK?
吓着你了吗?只是一个小玩笑,别介意哦!Did it scare you? Just a little joke, don’t mind!
昨天心情不大好,如有冒犯之处,还请原谅埃。Yesterday, I was in a bad mood. Forgive me if there was any offence.
很想多陪陪你,无奈身不由己。请谅解,我爱你!Want to spend more time with you, but involuntarily. Please forgive me, I love you!
都是我的错,你别生气了,生气的样子可不好看哦。It’s all my fault. Don’t get angry. You don’t look so angry.
愧疚的我不知道该怎样开口,但还是要说声对不起。Sorry, I don’t know how to do it, but I’m sorry.
我或许是一个笨蛋,但是请相信我,我并不是有意的。I may be a fool, but believe me, I didn’t mean it.
嘿,哥们,知道你不会怪罪我的,今晚一起喝一顿吧。Hey, man, you know you won’t blame me. Have a drink tonight.
不好意思,昨天火气有点大,我不是故意的,原谅我好吗?Sorry, yesterday’s anger was a little big. I didn’t do it on purpose. Forgive me?
都是我乱说惹的祸,对不起,我再也不乱说了,请你原谅我。Is my blather, sorry, I don’t talk nonsense, please forgive me.
我知道。你一定是生气了。因为我看到:你的头发炸起来了。That’s true. You must be angry. Because I saw: your hair exploded.
我的手机会一直为你开着,如果你肯原谅我,随时可以联系我。My cell phone will always be open for you. If you will excuse me, you can contact me anytime.
我该打,我该骂,全怪我不听你的话,宝贝儿不要再生气了好吗?I should fight, I should scold, blame me not to listen to you, baby, don’t get angry again, OK?
很想和你去吹吹风,吹掉我给你的不愉快,只留下我给你的开心。Really want to blow you off, I give you is not happy, just leave me give you happy.
如果你生气就直接骂我吧,打我一顿也行,就是别不理我呀哥们。If you get angry, just scold me, just beat me, just don’t ignore me, buddy.
所有的理由和解释都是苍白无力的,我选择在沉默中等待你的原谅。All the reasons and explanations are pale, and I choose to wait for your forgiveness in silence.
对不起,这两天惹你生气了!不是有意的,原谅我吧!别往心里去!Sorry, these two days have offended you! It’s not intentional. Forgive me! Don’t take it personally!
爱我的人是你,伤你的人是我,愿用心抚平你的伤口,愿再度牵手。The person who loves me is you, the person who hurt you is me. I will heal your wounds with my heart, and I will hold hands again.
我知道都是我的错,请你原谅我吧,我们以后都不要再吵架了好吗?I know it’s all my fault. Please forgive me. Let’s not quarrel any more, shall we?