
你的粉丝就是苍蝇,因为苍蝇爱屎粑粑。Your fans are flies, because flies love crap.

你妈生你时,你是不是还回头看一样!When your mother gave birth to you, did you look back?

你人又不聪明,还学人家绝顶!You are not smart, you are also learning extremely hard!

只喜添锦上之花,谁肯送雪中之炭。Only pleased with the flowers on the brocade, who will send the charcoal in the sno

宅男,只要一停电,就会退化成穴居人。Otaku, as long as a power failure, it will degenerate into caveman.

这个世界本来就很脏,你有什么资格说悲伤。The world is very dirty. What qualifications do you have to say sadness?

见到美女就动心,花言巧语骗人心。It’s tempting to see beautiful women.

有棱有角的害处是,别人啃起你来十分方便。The harm of being angular is that it is very convenient for others to chew you up.

把你的嘴闭起来,别用你的嘴谈论我的人生。Close your mouth, don’t talk about my life with your mouth.

像你这种人,在连续剧里,最多只能活两集。People like you can only live two episodes in a series.

一些事,只配当回忆。一些人,只能做过客。Some things only match memories. Some people can only be passers-by.

想必你在校的成绩一定很好吧,那么会抄袭!You must be very good at school, so you can plagiarize!

你的智商和喜马拉雅山的氧气一样,淡薄。Your IQ is just as weak as oxygen in Himalaya Range.

虚伪的真诚,比魔鬼还可怕。False sincerity is more terrible than the devil.

你搞艺术,我搞你,这叫深入艺术。If you engage in art, I will engage you in art.

别在我的坟前哭,脏了我轮回的路。Don’t cry at my grave, dirty my way of reincarnation.

你要是鲜花,以后牛都不敢拉粪了!If you are fresh, the cows will not dare to pull the dung.

令人不能自拔的,除了牙齿还有爱情。It’s hard to extricate itself, except for teeth and love.

女人用友情拒绝爱情,男人用友情换取爱情。Women refuse friendship by friendship. Men exchange friendship for love.

作为失败的典型,你实在是太成功了。As a typical example of failure, you are very successful.
