

别指望所有的人都能懂你,因为萝卜白菜,各有所爱。你做了萝卜,自然就做不成青菜。Don’t expect everyone to understand you, because radish and cabbage have their own love. If you make radishes, you can’t make green vegetables naturally.

嘴上不饶人的,心肠一般都很软。心里不饶人的,嘴上才会说好听话。所以好人心善,坏人嘴善。His lips are soft and his heart is soft. If you don’t forgive your heart, you will speak well. So good men are good, bad men are good.

没有十全十美的东西,关键是清楚到底想要什么。如果什么都想要,就只会什么都得不到。Without everything perfect, the key is to know exactly what it wants. If you want everything, you will get nothing.

我花了很多很长时间去寻找一个让自己动情、深情、长情的爱人,却总是留给自己孤独,孤单,孤寂的灵魂。I spent a lot of time looking for a lover who made me emotional, affectionate and affectionate, but always left me with a lonely, lonely, lonely soul.

活着一天,就是有福气,就该珍惜。当我哭泣我没有鞋子穿的时候,我发现有人却没有脚。To live a day is to have good fortune and cherish it. When I cry, I have no shoes to wear, I find that someone has no feet.

我想,你我之间的关系比陌生人多一点儿,比好朋友少一点儿,比擦肩而过复杂点儿,比萍水相逢简单点儿。I think the relationship between you and me is a little more than strangers, a little less than good friends, a little more complicated than brushing one’s shoulders, a little easier than meeting one another in an ordinary way.

遇到你,在合适的时间。我们恋爱,结婚,生子,在温暖的陪伴中老去。这就是我要的幸福,稳稳的幸福。Meet you at the right time. We love, marry, have children, and grow old in warm companionship. This is the happiness and steady happiness I want.

根本不必回头去看咒骂你的人是谁?如果有一条疯狗咬你一口,难道你也要趴下去反咬他一口吗?There is no need to go back to see who is cursing you. If a mad dog bites you, do you have to lie down and bite him?

心累了,就休息下吧?把自己变成那微不足道的一粒尘埃,飘飘荡荡过去了,落地后享受那短暂的安详!When your heart is tired, will you rest? Turn yourself into a tiny particle of dust, float over, and enjoy the brief peace after landing!

告诉自己你应该坚持得住,不要这么轻易的否定你自己,谁说你没有好的未来,关于明天的事后天才知道。Tell yourself you should stick to it, don’t deny yourself so easily, who says you don’t have a good future, about tomorrow after the genius knows.


许多人向往水晶般的爱情,晶莹剔透没有一点瑕疵。更多人拥有的却是玻璃般的爱情,同样透明但容易破碎。Most of people are looking forward the crystal like love pure without any defect. However, the truth is most people are having the glass like love, which is transparent but fragile.

望着你的背影的时候我总是在想什么时候才能说出那珍贵却又说不出口的话,难道这一次又要这样结束了吗?Looking at your back, I always wonder when I can say the precious words that can not be said, and this time it will end like this?

抱怨,是一种负能量,犹如搬起石头砸自己的脚,于人无益,于己不利,于事无补。Complaining is a kind of negative energy, just like lifting a stone to hit oneself in the foot, it is not good for others, not good for oneself, not good for anything.

幸福是每一个微小的生活愿望达成。当你想玩的时候有得玩,想被爱的时候有人爱。Happiness is the realization of every tiny wish. When you want to play, you have to play, and when you want to be loved, someone loves you.

残缺就是孤独,寻求弥补就是要摆脱孤独。当一个孤独寻找另一个孤独时,便有了爱的欲望。Fragmentary is loneliness, seeking to make up is to get rid of loneliness. When a solitude seeks another solitude, there is a desire for love.

亲爱的,我爱你就像喝白开水,吃饭一样,就像呼吸一样的自然,不眠不息,温温柔柔,所以我会永远爱你!Honey, I love you as boiled water, eat, as natural as breathing, sleepless, gentle, so I will always love you!

花儿艳丽芬芳,有自己的节奏,有自己的成长,但当面对鲜花,我宁愿相信她是为我开放。Flowers are beautiful and fragrant, have their own rhythm, have their own growth, but when faced with flowers, I would rather believe that she is open for me.

那个人,突然不联系你了,很正常;那个人,突然又联系你了,也很正常,这什么也不说明。That person, suddenly do not contact you, very normal; that person, suddenly contact you again, very normal, this does not explain anything.

永远不要嫌弃你的父母行动迟缓!因为你永远想象不出你小的时候他们是如何耐心的教你走路!Never abandon your parents’ slow action! Because you can never imagine how patiently they taught you to walk when you were young.

每个人都会累,没人能为你承担所有的伤悲,人总有那么一段时间要学会自己长大。Everyone will be tired, no one can bear all the sadness for you, people always have a period of time to learn to grow up.
