
愿你过得好,祝我也顺心,不谈亏欠,谢谢曾遇见。Wish you a good life, wish me well too, don’t talk about debt, thank you for meeting.

不是除了你,我就没人要了。只是除了你,我谁都不想要。I don’t have anyone to ask for it except you. I just don’t want anyone but you.

我想把世界上最好的都给你,却发现世界上最好的就是你。I want to give you the best in the world, but I find that you are the best in the world.

别沮丧,生活就像心电图,一帆风顺就证明你挂了。Don’t be depressed. Life is like an electrocardiogram. It’s a smooth ride to prove you’ve hung up.

我想像个小朋友一样,在你身后,在你左右。I want to be like a child, behind you, around you.

我喜欢你,不明所以,不讲道理。I like you. I don’t know why. I’m unreasonable.

再钝的刀也能割伤肉,再淡的情也会伤到心。No matter how blunt the knife can cut the flesh, no matter how light the feeling will hurt the heart.

你从未驯服过她,她只是在爱你的时候才收起了獠牙。You’ve never tamed her. She only folded her tusks when she loved you.

遇你之前,沉迷过往;遇你以后,盘算余生。Before meeting you, indulge in the past; after meeting you, plan the rest of your life.

我的期待有很多,比如睡到自然醒,比如醒来就能看到我爱的天气和你。I have many expectations, such as sleeping to wake up naturally, such as waking up to see the weather I love and you.


人在的时候,总以为有机会,其实人生就是减法,见一面就少一面。When people are around, they always think that there is a chance. In fact, life is a subtraction. When you see one side, you will lose one side.

誓言说着说着就变了,爱情爱着爱着就算了。Oath said that changed, love love love even if it.

让来的人来,让去的人去。顺其自然,是对生活最大的成全。Let the people come, let the people go. Letting it go is the greatest accomplishment of life.

人生的出场顺序很重要,不是你不够好,而是你来的不够巧。The order of appearance in life is very important, not that you are not good enough, but that you are not clever enough.

缘起,在人群中,我看见你。缘灭,我看见你,在人群中。Origin, in the crowd, I see you. Fate, I see you in the crowd.

这世界就是个巨大的娃娃机,我站在橱窗周围,只想要你。The world is a giant doll machine. I stand around the window and just want you.

错过一趟车,可以等错过一个人也许就是一辈子。Miss a car, can wait to miss a person may be a lifetime.

天天聊天的人就算不是情侣,你也会依赖他吧。If the person who chats every day is not a couple, you will depend on him.

若是失败,不必遗憾;若是美好,叫做精彩;若是糟糕,叫做经历。If you fail, you don’t have to regret; if you are good, you are wonderful; if you are bad, you are experience.

有些人说不出哪里好,但就是谁都替代不了。Some people can’t say what’s good, but no one can replace them.
