
曾经发生的事不可能忘记,只是暂时想不起来而已。――《千与千寻》What happened once can’t be forgotten, but it can’t be remembered for a moment.

心里面的那团火,被社会慢慢阴干。――《男人不可以穷》The fire in the heart was slowly dried up by society.

我曾经一天看的病人比你一周看的病人还多。――《北京遇上西雅图》I have seen more patients a day than you do a week.

这是我见过最好开的锁因为他根本没上锁。――《四大名捕大结局》This is the best lock I’ve ever seen, because he didn’t lock it at all.

想你的时候感到幸福,幸福的有些难过!――《青春期》When I think of you, I feel happy and sad.

我的女儿在我这里,只能幸福,别的都不行。――《剩者为王》My daughter can only be happy here, but nothing else.

她习惯于说谎,可是这样的谎言却再也听不到了。――《只是爱着你》She was used to telling lies, but such a lie could never be heard.

我在你眼中,是不是一个陪你演戏的临时演员。――《男人不可以穷》I am in your eyes, is it an actor who plays with you?

人活在世上,有的活成了面子,有的人活成了里子,都是时事使然。――《一代宗师》Some people live in the world, some live in the face, some live in the market, all are current events.

这最后一吻,让她对这个世界最后的印象,就是你嘴里的味道。――《破碎的拥抱》This last kiss made her last impression of the world, the smell of your mouth.


再见,布莱恩!再见,保罗!――《速度与激情》Goodbye, Blaine! Goodbye, Paul!

我和你要无比坚强的走过人生的每一条路。――《男才女貌》I want to walk through every path of life with you.

我宁愿放弃现实中的无家可归,也不愿意放弃博一把的机会。――《后来的我们》I would rather give up the reality of homelessness than give up a chance.

我想做的事情,你就算活到死都猜不透。――《四大名捕大结局》If you want to do something, you can’t even live until you die.

我甚至不知道人类是不是已经对此做好了准备。――《超体》I don’t even know if humans are ready for this.

没有人能够永远年轻,但永远有人正年轻着。――《小时代》No one can be young forever, but there will always be young people.

当时的月亮,原来已化作今后的阳光,一直守护我俩。――《前度》At that time, the moon has turned into the sunshine of the future, always guarding us.

人心散了,队伍不好带啊。――《天下无贼》People’s minds are scattered.

什么时候爱上她的?当我知道我再也见不到她的时候。――《搜索》When did you fall in love with her? When I knew I would never see her again.

你选错了才知道自己身边那个不是最喜欢那个。――《前度》You choose the wrong way to know that your side is not the one you like most.
