
他经常哭泣,因为他没有勇气突破自己的恐惧来爱。He often wept because he did not have the courage to break through his fear to love.

我已经老了。一天,在一间公共场所的大厅里,一个男人朝我走来。他做过自我介绍后说:我很早就认识你了。I am getting old. One day, a man came to me in the hall of a public place. After introducing himself, he said, “I knew you very early.”

他说他和过去一样,他仍然爱她,他不能停止爱她。他爱她,至死不渝。He said he was the same as before. He still loved her. He could not stop loving her. He loved her until he died.

十八岁我就老了。是不是人人都如此,我从没有打听过。When I was eighteen years old, I was old. Is everyone like this? I have never heard of it.

当你正在经历一生中最年轻、最受赞美的年华时,这段时光的突然推进有时会使你感到吃惊。When you are experiencing the youngest and most admired time of your life, the sudden advance of this time can sometimes surprise you.

爱之于我,不是肌肤之亲,不是一蔬一饭,它是一种不死的欲望,是疲惫生活中的英雄梦想。而我的梦想,就是与你白头而死。Love to me is not a skin relative, not a vegetable or a meal. It is an immortal desire and a heroic dream in a tired life. And my dream is to die with your white head.

当初,您很美,但如今,我更爱您饱经风霜的容颜。At first, you were beautiful, but now I love your weathered face even more.

如果爱,请深爱,爱到不能再爱的那一天。If love, please love deeply, love to no longer love that day.

我来这是为了告诉你,大家都说你年轻时候美丽,我却觉得现在的你比年轻时更美。I came to tell you that you were beautiful when you were young, but I think you are more beautiful now than when you were young.

与你年轻时的面貌相比,我更爱你现在备受摧残的容颜。Compared with your youth, I love your face no


泪水既安慰了过去,也安慰了未来。Tears comforted the past and comforted the future.

与年轻时候的你相比,我更爱你现在这会饱经沧桑的容颜。I love you more than you did when you were young. Now you will experience a vicissitudes of life.

当你不能控制别人,就要控制你自己,赛车和做人一样,有时要停,有时要冲。When you can’t control others, you have to control yourself. Racing cars are like being human. Sometimes they stop and sometimes they rush.

向往生活的幸福尽管那么强烈,也不可能完全分散她的这种绝望。The desire for happiness in life, though so intense, can not completely distract her from despair.

那时候你还年轻,人人都说你美丽。When you were young, everyone said you were beautiful.

爱,之于我,不是一饭一蔬;不是肌肤之亲;是平凡生活中的英雄梦想;是一种不老不死的欲望。Love, to me, is not a meal or a vegetable; it is not a skin relative; it is a heroic dream in ordinary life; it is a desire for immortality.

生命不停地流逝,瞬息之间一切就都太晚了。刚刚十八岁就已为时太晚了。Life goes on and on, and everything is too late in the twinkling of an eye. It was too late when I was just eighteen years old.

今天这份悲哀,我认为它是与生俱来来,我几乎可以把我的名字转给它,因为它和我那么相像,那么难解难分。Today’s sadness, I think it is born, I can almost pass my name to it, because it is so similar to me, so inextricable.

我知道,女人的美丽,不在衣装,不在美容修饰,不在香脂首饰贵不贵,不在是否拥有珍品罕物。I know that women’s beauty is not in clothes, cosmetic decoration, perfume jewelry is not precious, not in possession of precious things.

多少春秋风雨改,多少崎岖不变爱,多少唏嘘的你在人海。How many spring and autumn wind and rain change, how many rugged love, how many sadly you are in the crowd.


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