人到十三岁,自以为对这个世界已相当重要,而世界才刚刚准备原谅你的幼稚。When you are thirteen years old, you think you are very important to the world, and the world is just ready to forgive your childishness.
好莱坞由恐惧与嗜财支配。但那不会支配我,因为我无所畏惧,不贪恋钱财。Hollywood is dominated by fear and financial addiction. But that will not dominate me, because I am fearless and not greedy for money.
炸弹决不能爆炸,炸弹不爆炸,观众就老在惴惴不安。The bomb must not explode, and the bomb will not explode, and the audience will always be uneasy.
每次表演一个角色时,演员都必须生活在这一角色之中。Every time a character is played, the actor must live in this role.
要更好地理解一部影片的倾向如何,最好先理解该影片是如何表现其倾向的。To better understand the tendency of a film, it is better to understand how the film expresses its tendency first.
我像个雷达,我接受东西,然后再像镜子一样反射出来,夹杂着回忆、梦境和理念。I am like a radar, I accept things, and then reflect them like a mirror, mixed with memories, dreams and ideas.
我想用我的电影盖一栋房子。有些做成地窖,有些做墙壁,其他则做窗户。然而,我希望到最后它能成一栋房子。I want to build a house with my movie. Some make cellars, others make walls, others make windows. However, I hope that in the end it will become a house.
不管我采用了什么题材,其实讲的都是宗教题材。只不过他们的救赎发生在大街上,而不是教堂里。No matter what subject I have adopted, I am talking about religious themes. But their salvation happened on the street, not in the church.
梦想始于剧本,而终结于电影。Dreams begin with scripts and end in films.
一个影像接触其他影像时必须发生转化,如一种颜色接触其他颜色时那样。放在绿、黄或红旁边的蓝不是相同的蓝。没有艺术不含转化。An image must be transformed when it contacts other images, such as when one color contacts other colors. The blue beside the green, yellow or red is not the same blue. No art, no transformation.
当幻想转向爱情时,直觉却并不总是跟随。When fantasy turns to love, intuition does not always follo
当我非常个人化地叙述一个故事时,这个故事要比我试图以放之四海皆准的语言叙述能令更多人认可。When I tell a story in a very personal way, it’s more acceptable than what I try to say in a universal language.
我就是我。如果必须以头撞墙来真实待己,那么我愿意。I am me. If I have to head against the wall to be true to myself, I will.
无论你是英雄抑或歹徒,切记把你的角色演得有人味,那就是要尽可能赋予他某些相反的品质而又不影响他在故事里的主要身份。Whether you are a hero or a gangster, remember to give your character a human touch, that is, to give him as many qualities as possible to the contrary without affecting his main identity in the story.
我对情节的发展、事件的串联并没有兴趣,我认为我的电影一部比一部不需要情节。I am not interested in the development of plots and the series of events. I think my movies are more than one without plots.
如果说中国会好,国产片也会好。If China is good, the homemade films will be good.
人老了之后的现象之一就是,童年的回忆会越来越清晰地浮现出来,而壮年时期的种种大事却反而模糊,以至于消失。One of the phenomena of old age is that memories of childhood will appear more and more clearly, while the events of adulthood are blurred and disappear.
演员也同样是人,与别人并无差别。作家、画家或音乐家可以躲到角落里去舔净他的伤口,但演员却要站在大庭广众面前忍受这种伤痛。Actors are also human beings, no difference from others. Writers, painters or musicians can hide in corners to lick their wounds, but actors have to stand in front of the public to endure the pain.
我曾反复说过,我作为一个电影人,拍了一部电影的话,观众就应当从这一部电影中,看到100部他们自己的电影,每一名观众都可以看到他自己的电影,这就是我所力争做到的。I have repeatedly said that if I make a film as a filmmaker, the audience should see 100 of their own movies from this film, and every audience can see his own movies, which is what I strive to achieve.
我留下脚印,让后人来追寻。I left footprints for posterity to pursue.