你很慈善。你很亲切。You are very charitable. You are very kind.
你还别说,你的管理经验书本上也难学到。Don’t mention it, your management experience is hard to learn.
你的声音真好听。You have a beautiful voice.
我对你的工作表示敬意。I pay tribute to your work.
你今天看上去很棒。You look great today.
我很高兴和你这样果断、智慧富有经验的人共事。I am very happy to work with you who are decisive, intelligent and experienced.
与你打交道可真能学到东西,你太有智慧了。You can really learn from your dealings. You are too wise.
你可真风趣,什么愁事让你一说全没了。You are really funny. What worries you to say is gone.
你的下属都这么尊重你,真是少见。It is rare for your subordinates to respect you so much.
听说你的口才不俗,今天得见果然名不虚传。I heard that your eloquence is not bad. I must have seen it today.
你的打扮真有品味,一看就不是一般的俗人。You really have a good taste in dressing.
你很有内涵。你很快乐。You have a lot of meaning. You are very happy.
看你情绪这么饱满,事业一定非常顺畅。You are so full of emotion that your career will be very smooth.
凭你的能力,又年轻,太有发展潜力了。You are young and have great potential for development.
没有你肯定不行。No, you can’t.
你让我越来越自信心。You make me more and more confident.
你微笑时很美。You smile beautifully.
你看上去真精神。You look really smart.
你的身材可真好,有什么秘诀吗?You have a nice figure. Is there any secret?
你给人感觉不是一般人。You don’t feel like an average person.