陪伴,就是不管你需不需要,我一直都在。To accompany me is whether you need it or not, I have been there all along.
生活不如你意,我如你意。运气不在你身边,我在你身边。Life is not as good as yours. Luck is not around you, I am by your side.
爱情不是依附,爱情是各自独立坚强,然后努力走到一起。Love is not dependent, love is independent and strong, and then hard to come together.
你是我挣扎过放弃过后悔过,但现在还是很爱很爱的人。You are the one I have struggled to give up, but I still love it very much.
过的一页就不要再翻,翻起的灰尘会迷了双眼。Don’t turn over a page. The dust will be lost in your eyes.
我喜欢的人不需要任何备注,因为他独占了一个分组。The person I like doesn’t need any remarks because he monopolizes a group.
我哭是因为你太爱我,我笑是因为你太在乎我。I cry because you love me too much. I laugh because you care so much about me.
一个不注意小事情的人,永远不会成功大事业。A man who does not pay attention to small things will never succeed in a big undertaking.
因害怕失败而不敢放手一搏,永远不会成功。For fear of failure, dare not go all out, never succeed.
其实最好的日子,无非你在闹,他在笑,如此温暖过一生。In fact, the best day is nothing but your making trouble, he is laughing, so warm all his life.
不要让别人喊我喊逗比,那是只属于你的专属。Don’t let others shout me to yell, that’s your exclusive.
别因为寂寞而错爱,也别因为错爱而寂寞一生。Do not be lonely because of the wrong love, nor because of the wrong love and lonely life.
人最可悲的是,有自由的思想,却没有冲破羁绊的勇气。The most tragic thing about people is that they have the freedom of thinking without breaking through the fetters of the fetters.
随随便便浪费的时间,再也不能赢回来。The time that is wasted can no longer win back.
我心中最浪漫的事,就是和你一起变老。The most romantic thing in my mind is to grow old with you.
阳光越强烈的地方,阴影也就越重。The more intense the sunshine, the heavier the shado
人生最大的光荣,不在于永不失败,而在于能屡仆屡起。The greatest glory in life is not in never failing, but in repeated efforts.
目标不是都能达到的,但它可以作为瞄准点。Goals are not always achieved, but they can serve as targets.
没有完全合适的两个人,只有互相迁就的两颗心。There are two people who are not completely fit, only two hearts that can accommodate each other.
我爱你,心就特别软,平淡也温暖,无语也浪漫。I love you, my heart is very soft, plain and warm, silent and romantic.