
只有真正贞洁的女人才谈得上真正纯洁的爱情。Only true chastity women can talk about true pure love.

我原以为应该原谅她的是我,而现在我发觉自己连接受她的宽恕都不配。I thought I should forgive her for being me, but now I find myself connected with her forgiveness.

在她们身上是自然的东西,在我身上却要做出努力。我那神经质的笑声几乎像哭一样,她们却信以为真。They are natural things, but they have to work hard on me. My nervous laughter was almost like crying, but they believed it.

我喜爱一路上遇到的每一个行人。爱情会给予人们一种与人为善之感!I love every passers-by on the way. Love will give people a sense of kindness.

是你教会我怎样去爱,而我应该教会你怎样去生活。You teach me how to love, and I should teach you how to live.

什么都猜测到了,真情却除外。Everything has been guessed, except the truth.

也许我活在你的心中,是最好的地方,在那里别人看不到我,没有人能鄙视我们的爱情。Maybe I live in your heart, is the best place, where others can not see me, no one can despise our love.

我还不够富有,能按照自己的意愿去爱你,也还不够贫困,能像你所希望的那样爱你。I am not rich enough to love you as I wish, nor poor enough to love you as you wish.

不错,有时候一分钟发生的事,比一年的追求还起作用。Yes, sometimes what happens in one minute is more effective than the pursuit of the year.

生活对于心灵有时会提出残酷的要求,但是必须逆来顺受。Life sometimes demands cruel demands on the mind, but it must be adversity.


无论谁总有一个童年时代,不管它后来变成什么样。No matter who has a childhood, no matter what it turns out to be.

真正的爱情总是使人变得美好。True love always makes people beautiful.

我们时而为了一样东西,时而又为了另一样东西以身相许。有些人为了我们倾家荡产,却一无所得,还有一些人用一束鲜花就得到了我们。Sometimes we are for something, sometimes for another thing. Some people throw away their fortunes for us, but get nothing. Others get us with a bunch of flowers.

娇媚、温柔、多情,玛格丽塔什么都不缺,我不得不时时提醒自己,我没有权力再向她要求什么了。I had to remind myself from time to time that I had no more right to ask her for anything.

我的要求就是你爱我,而且没有马匹,没有开司米披肩,没有钻石首饰,你也同样爱我。My demand is that you love me, and that you love me without horses, without cashmere shawls, without diamonds.

我只肯输我付得出的钱,我只赢我输得起的钱。I only want to lose the money I pay. I only win the money I can afford.

我讲给您听的是一个简单而真实的故事,我让它保持朴实无华的细节和单纯自然的发展过程。What I’m telling you is a simple and true story, and I’m keeping it simple in detail and natural in its development.

这种男人们第二次,也是最后一次的爱情,成了你一切事业的累赘,它不容于家庭,也使你丧失了雄心壮志。This man’s second and last love has become a burden on all your career. It is not conducive to your family, but also makes you lose your ambition.

玛格丽特过着热情纵欲的生活,但是她的脸上却呈现出处女般的神态,甚至还带着稚气的特征,这真使我们百思而不得其解。Marguerite lived a passionate and indulgent life, but her face was virgin and even childish, which puzzled us.

那年,差不多也是这个季节,也是这样一个傍晚,我认识了玛格丽特。That year, it was almost the same season. It was also an evening. I met Margaret.
