
在磨砺中成长,人生回味无穷,生命因此而绚丽,它使人坚韧与顽强,让我们茁壮成长。Grow up in the grind, life is endless aftertaste, life is so gorgeous, it makes people tough and tenacious, let us grow up.

小时候,不会走路,摔疼的是脚,哇哇大哭;长大了,会走路了,摔疼的是心,忍着不哭。When I was a child, I couldn’t walk, but when I fell, I cried. When I grew up, I could walk, and when I fell, I could not cry.

我走出剧院,满脸灿烂的笑容,可以赛过阳光的妩媚,花儿为我摇摆,溪水为我歌唱,成长是多么快乐!I walked out of the theatre, with a bright smile, can beat the charm of the sun, flowers sway for me, streams sing for me, how happy it is to grow up!

成长,有人为它感到快乐,无比期待;有人却为它感到烦恼,无比厌恶。Growth, some people feel happy for it and expect it very much; others feel annoyed and hate it.

我们像一棵棵小树苗,在知识的海洋中,接受春风雨露的滋润,吸取更多更好的知识,茁壮成长。We are like seedlings, in the ocean of knowledge, to accept the moisture of the spring rain and dew, to absorb more and better knowledge, and to thrive.

滚滚红尘中,我有一刻宁静的心,喜欢在音乐和文字中游离,只愿世间多一些完美的爱情。I have a quiet heart for a moment in the world. I like to be free from music and words. I only wish there were more perfect love in the world.

成长是放在床头的那一摞摞的武侠小说。英雄美人,侠客伴侣,一部一部惊心动魄,荡气回肠。Growth is a pile of swordsman novels placed on the head of the bed. Heroic beauty, chivalrous companion, a soul stirring and thrilling.

如果记忆像钢铁般坚固,我是该微笑、还是哭泣?如果钢铁像记忆般腐蚀,那这里是欢城,还是废墟?If memory is as strong as steel, should I smile or cry? If steel is corroded like memory, is this the city of joy or ruins?

这个孩子长大以后会是一个可怜的人,对他而言最聪明的事情就是自杀,千万别长大成人。The child will be a poor man when he grows up. The smartest thing for him is to commit suicide. Never grow up.

自信是永不枯竭的源泉,自信是奔腾不息的波涛,自信是急流奋进的渠道,自信是真正的成功之母。Confidence is the source of inexhaustible, self-confidence is the surging waves, self-confidence is the channel of rapid progress, self-confidence is the mother of true success.


世界上,成功的有两种人,一种人是傻子,一种人是疯子。傻子是会吃亏的人,疯子是会行动的人。In the world, there are two kinds of people who are successful, one is a fool, the other is a lunatic. A fool is a man who will suffer. A madman is a man who can act.

年轻时我们放弃,以为那只是一段感情,后来才知道,那其实是一生。When we were young, we gave up and thought it was only a sentiment. Later we realized that it was actually a lifetime.

小时候我以为自己长大后可以拯救整个世界,等长大后才发现整个世界都拯救不了我。When I was a child, I thought I could save the whole world when I grew up, and when I grew up, I realized that the whole world couldn’t save me.

小时候,看着满天的星斗,当流星飞过的时候,却总是来不及许愿,长大了,遇见了自己真正喜欢的人,却还是来不及。When I was a child, I looked at the stars all over the sky. When the meteors flew by, I was always too late to make a wish. When I grew up, I met the person I really liked, but it was still too late.

年少的时候,我觉得孤单是很酷的一件事。长大以后,我觉得孤单是很凄凉的一件事。现在,我觉得孤单不是一件事。When I was young, I felt lonely was a cool thing. After growing up, I feel lonely is a very desolate thing. Now, I feel lonely is not a thing.

谈恋爱是什么感觉呀?我也会长大,也会想谈恋爱嘛。而且只有你有谈恋爱的经验,我想跟你讨教讨教。How does it feel to be in love? I will grow up and I will want to be in love. And only you have experience in dating, I want to ask you for advice.

成长是一条很曲折的路,很难走,长着很多的荆棘,因为成长的路上需要挑战和坚持的太多,所以成长路上无捷径。Growth is a very tortuous road, it is difficult to walk, grow a lot of thorns, because the growth of the road needs to challenge and adhere to too much, so there is no shortcut on the way to growth.

她从来没要求过我长大成人这样的宽厚简直像大地一样深远在这个满目别离的季节里我真切的感到自己如果渺小如此亏欠着她。She had never asked me to grow up to be so generous as the earth was so far away in this season of separation that I really felt that I owed her so little.

成长是锁在抽屉里那带锁的日记本,记录了喜怒哀乐,苦辣酸甜,记录了青春的烦恼和喜欢的那个男孩。Growth is the locked diary locked in a drawer, recording the joys, sorrows, bitters, bitters and sweets, the troubles of youth and the boy who likes it.

成长是色彩的变幻。不见了童话书上多彩的封面,看到的是教科书一脸的严肃。Growth is a change of color. Missing the colorful cover of the fairy tale book, seeing the seriousness of the textbook face.


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