

大海拥有的,不仅仅是一种色彩,它所拥有的是一种精神,是生命。所以,我面对的是大海博大的胸怀。What the sea possesses is not just a color. It has a spirit and a life. Therefore, I am faced with the broad mind of the sea.

大海、水平如镜像一位深沉的作家;大海、浪花飞溅像一头巨龙在云中翻腾;大海、像丝绸之路的绸缎照耀着海面五彩缤纷。The sea, as horizontal as a mirror of a deep writer; the sea, like a giant dragon splashing in the clouds; the sea, like silk road silk and satin shining colorful sea.

我神往着大海的冷峻与和顺;神往着大海的辽阔与深奥;神往着大海的一帆风顺与波涛汹涌!大海以他独有的神韵吸引着我,召唤着我,使我的新身不由己的飞向他,朝拜它。I yearn for the sea’s coldness and harmony; for its vastness and depth; for its smooth sailing and turbulence! The sea attracted me with its unique charm, called me, and made my new body fly to him and worship it.

海,清凉的温情里有着幸福的悠荡,汹涌的波浪里也有爱的光华;梦,在深海的激流里开花,唱出的歌谣带着真情的童话。The sea, cool warmth has a happy melodious, turbulent waves also have the glory of love; Dreams, in the rapids of the deep sea flowering, singing songs with the truth of the fairy tale.

我爱海,爱它那波涛汹涌磅礴的气势;爱它那无边无际的胸怀;爱它那深不见底的宝藏;更爱它那蓝蓝的,咸咸的,深深的,永不停息的海水。I love the sea; I love its turbulent momentum; I love its boundless mind; I love its unseen treasure; I love its blue, salty, deep, and never-ending water.

原先风平浪静的海面,荡漾着,海的愁容荡漾着,那泛散开来的波纹,传播开海的哭泣。哦,大海,原来你也这么多情,却又如此沧桑。In the calm sea, the melancholy of the sea, the ripple of the waves, spread the weeping of the open sea. Oh, the sea, so you are so sentimental, but so vicissitudes.

宽阔无垠的海面上,海风劲健的脚步走过,海涛阵阵,波涛汹涌,卷起千堆雪,那是大海奏起的深沉雄浑阳刚的乐章。On the vast sea, the strong wind of the sea, the waves, the waves, rolling up a thousand piles of snow, that is the ocean played a deep and powerful masculine movement.

我们光着脚丫踩在软绵绵的沙滩上,浪花一阵阵扑过来,打在我的小腿上,仿佛妈妈正温柔地抚摸着我,我的心里顿时暖暖的。We stepped barefoot on the soft sandy beach, the waves poured on my calf, as if my mother was gently touching me, and my heart was suddenly warm.

放眼望去,海水由清变绿,由绿变蓝,由蓝变蔚蓝,一眼望不到边,浅滩上的浪花轻轻的翻滚着,你追我赶的拍打着我的脚面,沙滩软绵绵的,像踩在柔软的棉花上一样。Looking at it, the sea changed from clear to green, from green to blue, from blue to blue, out of sight, the waves on the beach gently rolling, you chase me to beat my feet, the beach is soft, like stepping on soft cotton.

那一粒粒细小的沙子,碧波荡漾的海水,在太阳光下频频闪烁着,美丽的宝石和夜空中的星星,也比不上它美。The tiny grains of sand, the rippling sea, twinkling in the sun, the beautiful jewels and stars in the night sky, is not as beautiful as it is.


海是位得道者,大智若愚而心怀大志,深邃博大而复归沉默静宁。于是,在它的身边,也常在那无言以教中得到启发,得之点化。The sea is the one who achieves the goal. He has great wisdom and deep ambitions, but he returns to Jingning in silence. So, beside it, it is often enlightened and enlightened in the wordless teaching.

海的魂,以博大浩瀚所着称,几千年不变的姿态与胸怀,几千年不变的热血与潮汐。击荡,击荡如雪之浪,拍打着几千年沉默如初的岩石。The soul of the sea, known for its vastness and vastness, has a constant attitude and mind for thousands of years, and a constant blood and tide for thousands of years. Beat and swing, like waves of snow, beat the rocks that have been silent for thousands of years.

空和大海相爱了,但他们的手无法相牵,爱也无法继续,天空哭了,海的双眼也湿了。因此她说:有一种界限永远无法跨越!Empty and sea loved each other, but their hands could not hold each other, love could not continue, the sky cried, the sea’s eyes were wet. Therefore, she said, there is a limit that can never be crossed.

第一次看到大海。他比我想象中的大海不知道要大多少倍。蓝色的海水涌起滚滚浪花,浪涛拍打着岸边的礁石。往远处望去,天和海连在一起,没有边际。The first time I saw the sea. He did not know how many times bigger than the sea I imagined. Blue water surges and waves billow on the shore. Looking at the distance, the sky and sea are linked together without boundaries.

海浪更猛了。巨浪像一支浩大的军队,向大伙儿压来。大家赶紧躲避海浪的压击。过了一会儿,潮水退了,天也黑了,所有的来大海玩的人都回家吃饭去了。The waves are even stronger. The huge waves are like a great army, coming to everybody. Everyone quickly avoided the pressure of the waves. After a while, the tide returned and the sky was dark. All the people who came to the sea went home to eat.

天空和大海相爱了,但他们的手无法相牵,爱也无法继续,天空哭了,海的双眼也湿了。因此她说:有一种界限永远无法跨越!The sky and the sea loved each other, but their hands could not hold each other, love could not continue, the sky cried, the sea’s eyes were wet. Therefore, she said, there is a limit that can never be crossed.

秋天,我喜欢早早跑出来,上海边等待日出。当火红的太阳冉冉升起时,金色的阳光洒满大海,蓝蓝的大海瞬间变成了金色。In autumn, I like to run out early, waiting for sunrise in Shanghai. When the red sun rises, the golden sun sprinkles over the sea, and the blue sea turns golden instantly.

暑假,我跟家人来到美丽的海滨城市青岛,这里真是太美了!从远处看,大海就是一片蓝,蓝得发亮。有句诗说得好:乱石穿空,惊涛拍浪,卷起千堆雪。大概就是这幅情景吧!During the summer vacation, I went to the beautiful seaside city of Qingdao with my family. It’s so beautiful here. From a distance, the sea is blue and blue. There is a good poem: the stones are worn through the sky, the waves are raging, and the snow rolls up. This is probably the scene.

波光粼粼,像千万棵银针在穿梭,仿佛要为大海织上一条轻纱。底产生了一片妙不可言的温馨,如一只温暖的大手轻轻地抚摸着我的心。Sparkling, like thousands of silver needles shuttling, as if to weave a light yarn for the sea. The bottom produced a wonderful warmth, like a warm big hand touching my heart gently.

夜幕下,幽蓝的海水里,点点星光揉碎了的身影,那是大海于神秘的海边夜色里给人们编织的神秘深邃的梦境。Under the night, in the blue sea, the shadows crumbled by the stars are the mysterious deep dreams woven by the sea in the mysterious seaside night.
