
青春就像一瓶纯洁的矿泉水,稍微一倾斜,再一倾斜,便义无反顾的流走了。Youth is like a bottle of pure mineral water, slightly tilted, and then tilted, it will flow away without hesitation.

青春是太好,好到无论你怎么过都觉得浪掷。回头一看,都要生悔。Youth is so good that no matter how you live, you feel like a wave throwing. When you look back, you will regret it.

青春,是人生红绿灯的十字路口;青春,是奔向事业的起点;青春,是人生中最美好的季节。Youth is the crossroads of the traffic lights of life; Youth is the starting point for career; Youth is the best season in life.

青春并不像一袭新衣,好像我们仔细少穿一点就可以保持簇新似的。青春,当我们有它的时候我们一定要每天穿用它,而它则很快就会消逝。Youth is not like a new dress, as if we can keep it fresh by wearing fewer clothes carefully. Youth, when we have it, we must wear it every day, and it will soon fade away.

只有一条路不能选择,那就是放弃的路;只有一条路不能拒绝,那就是成长的路。There is only one way that can not be chosen, that is, the way to give up; there is only one way that can not be refused, that is, the way to grow up.

青春如高山流水,磕磕绊绊一路淌来,留下一身伤痕,而每道痕沟都会迸溅出一首歌。Youth is like mountains and rivers, stumbling all the way, leaving a scar, and every ditch will burst out a song.

站在青春里,遍地美好。就算那里的烦恼特别多,那里的遗憾忘不掉,可在你眼里,留白的青春,一样重要,一样美好。Stand in youth, beautiful everywhere. Even if there are so many troubles, the regrets there can not be forgotten, but in your eyes, the blank youth is as important and as beautiful.

年后我们可似啪着下一代人的肩膀娇傲的说:想当年老子连年的金融风暴都经历过,还啪什幺?Years later, we may be proud of the shoulders of the next generation and say: I think Lao Tzu has experienced the financial turmoil for years, what else?

青春是岁月的使者,用那快乐的言语,灿烂的的笑容,充斥这岁月里的烦恼。Youth is the messenger of years, with that happy words, brilliant smile, full of troubles in these years.

知道遍体鳞伤,才来以酒麻醉。啤酒入口的味道虽然苦涩,但你轻轻让它流淌过舌尖,再细细地品味,你的舌尖上就仿佛盛开了一朵清芬的花。Know all over the bruises, then come to alcohol anesthesia. Although the taste of beer entrance is bitter and astringent, but you gently let it flow through the tip of your tongue, and then taste it carefully, your tongue is like a fragrant flower in full bloom.


学会承受,因为在人生当中总是发生一些突如其来让人意想不到的事情,别无选择,只是默默地承受,并勇敢地面对。Learn to bear, because there are always unexpected things happening in life. There is no choice but to bear them silently and face them bravely.

就算跑最后一名又怎样,至少我又运动精神。而且我一定会跑完全程,只要跑到终点我就成功了!Even if I finish last, at least I’m athletic. And I will run the whole distance, as long as I reach the end, I will succeed!

青春是一场华丽的狂欢,即时我们能看到的青春狂舞,也不过是盛极而衰时的挽歌。Youth is a magnificent carnival, even if we can see the youth Carnival dance, but also is the elegy of prosperity and decline.

青春就像一朵带刺的玫瑰,有美好的一面就必然会有刺人的一面。Youth is like a rose with thorns. If there is a good side, there must be a thorny side.

青春是多情的季节,自然少不了少男少女们花前月下的缠绵悱恻海誓山盟,然而那么纯净、透明,毫无半点功利的尘渍,温婉如玉,热烈如火。Youth is an amorous season. Naturally, many young men and girls swear to each other in the moonlight. However, they are pure, transparent, without any utilitarian dust, gentle as jade, warm as fire.

青春是一个充满魁力,充满激情的时代。好动是青春,好奇是青春,好玩是青春。玩世不恭更是青春,我们的一切切都是青春。Youth is an age full of power and temptation. Active is youth, curiosity is youth, fun is youth. Cynicism is youth, all of us are youth.

在那么多逝去的日子里,青春迎风击落过多少斑斓的星辰,之后便漫天飞舞起来,成为滋润金色庄稼的泱泱大雪。In so many days gone by, how many beautiful stars were blown down by the youth in the wind, and then they began to fly all over the sky, becoming the heavy snow that moistened the golden crops.

染火枫林,琼壶歌月,长歌倚楼。岁岁年年,花前月下,一尊芳酒。水落红莲,唯闻玉磬,但此情依旧。Fenglin dyed with fire, Qionghu singing month, long song leaning towers. Every year, before and after flowers, a fragrant wine. The water falls into the red lotus, only heard of the jade robe, but the feeling is still the same.

如果我们都是孩子,就可以留在时光的原地,坐在一起一边听那些永不老去的故事一边慢慢皓首。If we are all children, we can stay in the place of time, sit together and listen to the stories that will never grow old while slowly looking at them.

懂得感恩,是收获幸福的源泉。懂得感恩,你会发现原来自己周围的一切都是那样的美好。Gratitude is the source of happiness. Know how to be grateful, you will find that everything around you is so beautiful.
