

微笑服务,快乐您我。Smile service, happy you and me.

热情大方,微笑服务。Enthusiasm and generosity, smiling service.

面带微笑,热情服务。Smile and serve enthusiastically.

一颗服务心,万般关爱情。A service heart, love in every way.

工作小窗口,服务大平台。Small working window, large service platform.

微笑问好,喜迎客到。Say hello with a smile and welcome the guests.

客人的满意是我们事业的动力。Customer satisfaction is the driving force of our business.

以善为人,以诚待人。Be kind to others and sincere to others.

您的满意是我工作的动力。Your satisfaction is the driving force of my work.

始于需求,终于满意。Beginning with demand, and finally satisfying.


用心做好细节,以诚赢得信赖。Carefully do the details, in order to win trust in sincerity.

物美价廉,沟通无限。Good quality and low price, unlimited communication.

细微显真情,平凡塑仁心。Fine show the true feelings, ordinary shaping benevolence.

顾客满意是我最大的心愿。Customer satisfaction is my greatest wish.

柜台如擂台,顾客如判官。Counters are like rolling tables, customers are like judges.

放心的服务质量和您全程相伴。Rest assured that the quality of service and you accompany the whole journey.

服务至上,效率争先。Service first, efficiency first.

服务三通:通情,通气,通报。Service three links: empathy, ventilation, notification.

您的满意就是我们的追求。Your satisfaction is our pursuit.

服务以人为本,诚信最具魅力。Service is people-oriented and honesty is the most attractive.
