
我的精神分裂好了,我和我都很好。I’m schizophrenic. I’m fine with myself.

不想讨人喜欢,只想做个迷人的坏蛋。I don’t want to be likeable, I just want to be a charming villain.

宁可去碰壁,也不要回家面壁。Better hit the wall than go home.

做不成爱人,那么我们就做陌生人吧。If you can’t be a lover, then let’s be strangers.

你这人特善良,特别是对不起人的时候。You are very kind, especially when you are sorry.

只要钱到位,脑袋瓜子全干碎。As long as the money is in place, the head melon seeds are all dried up.

我视金钱为粪土,我爸视我为化粪池。I see money as dirt, and my dad sees me as a septic tank.

闭上左眼,看到的是你那可爱的腼腆。Close your left eye and see your lovely shyness.

我不是个随便的人,但随便起来不是人。I am not a casual person, but I am not a casual person.

自古多情空余恨,真是恨铁不成钢!Since ancient times, passionate and empty hate, really hate iron can’t be made of steel! uuuuuuuuuu


这个世间只有圆滑,没有圆满的。This world is only smooth, there is no perfect.

你贱的有出息,骚的够洋气。You are cheap and promising. You are full of foreign spirit.

此生若得幸福安稳,谁又愿颠沛流离。If this life is happy and stable, who would like to be displaced.

常言道,冰冻三尺,非微波炉不能解冻!As the saying goes, frozen three feet, non-microwave oven can not thaw!

女人只分为两种:自己的和别人的。Women are divided into two kinds: their own and others.

你现在是天真的二次方,又天真又二。You are now the naive second party, naive and second.

爱你,就像,特步,非一般的感觉。Love you, just like, special step, extraordinary feeling.

我练过气功,可以把人气死。I’ve practiced Qigong, which can kill people’s popularity.

少拍点照,不然你自卑感会出来的。Take fewer pictures, or you will feel inferior.

老师上课的质量,决定手机此月的流量。The quality of the teacher’s class determines the flow of mobile phones this month.
