
这条牛的两只眼睛像铜铃一样大,两只弯角青里透亮,特别是那一身黄毛,像绸子一样光亮。The cow’s eyes were as big as copper bells, and its corners were bright, especially its yellow hair, which was as bright as silk.

海鸥在空中一发现水中的游鱼和软体动物,便立刻扇动翅膀,像蝴蝶一样轻盈地飘落到水面上。Seagulls, when they find fish and mollusks in the water in the air, flap their wings and float lightly to the surface like butterflies.

雪白的羊群撒在碧绿的草原上,像花、像云、像圣洁的哈达。Snow-white sheep scattered on the green grasslands, like flowers, like clouds, like holy Hada.

这只猪吃东西的时候可有趣呢!两个耳朵像大扇子一样一扇一扇的,脑袋一颠一颠的,眼睛紧紧地盯着食物。This pig * s interesting when eating! Two ears are like big fans, one by one, their heads are bumping, and their eyes are fixed on the food.

这只小鹿长得实在惹人喜爱,光滑的细毛像锦缎一样,明亮的眼睛像星一样,细长的小腿像金手杖一样。The deer is really lovely. Its smooth fine hair is like brocade, its bright eyes are like stars, and its slender legs are like golden canes.

梅花鹿的茸皮呈肉红色或杏黄色,个别的是黑色,茸毛纤细,色泽鲜艳。The velvet of sika deer is fleshy red or apricot yellow, and some are black, with fine velvet and bright color.

企鹅稍微张开翅膀在冰上蹒跚行走,远远看去,仿佛是趔趄学步幼孩儿。The Penguin staggered slightly on the ice with its wings open. From a distance, it looked like a toddler.

长颈鹿睡眠时两只耳朵一直竖立着,好比雷达天线,收听动静,警戒四方。Giraffes sleep with their ears standing upright, like radar antennas, listening to the movement and alerting all directions.

那空场上,像火星儿似的纷纷扬扬飞着的点点流萤,曾经引起我多少童心的好奇、欢乐和陶醉啊!That empty field, like Mars flying dots of fluorescence, has caused me how many childlike curiosity, joy and intoxication ah!

海豚有一个特殊的地方,它有两个大脑,这一点,自然界的任何生物,都是望尘莫及的。Dolphins have a special place, it has two brains, this point, any living thing in nature, is beyond reach.

猫头鹰的嘴像鹰的爪子一样呈弯钩状,锋利无比,是捕捉害虫的主要武器。The owl’s beak, like the claws of an eagle, is hooked and sharp. It is the main weapon for catching pests.

眼镜猴的小小脸庞上,长着一对圆溜溜的大眼睛,活像戴了一副大号的太阳镜,真不愧是名副其实的眼镜猴。On the small face of the goggle monkey, there are a pair of big round eyes, like wearing a pair of large sunglasses, which is worthy of the name of the goggle monkey.

它们常常直竖着身子坐着,像人们用手一样,用前爪往嘴里送东西吃。They often sit upright, giving food to their mouths with their front paws, just like people do with their hands.

雕选准了最佳的扑击角度,在天空突然收敛翅膀,身体像片落叶一样悄然无声地飘向了目标。The sculpture chooses the best angle of attack, suddenly converges its wings in the sky, and its body drifts silently towards the target like a leaf.

这头大肥猪,屁股溜圆,肚子蛮大,由于脂肪过度丰富,它只得慢慢走着,好像架子很大的老爷。This big fat pig has a round buttock and a big stomach. Because of its excessive fat, it has to walk slowly, like a man with a big shelf.

一对雪白的天鹅,好似两朵硕大的白莲浮在水面上。A pair of snow-white swans, like two huge white lotus floating on the water.

那条花牛迎着落日的晚霞,不停地甩动尾巴赶着苍蝇,摇晃着脑袋,好似醉了一样,懒洋洋地迈着方步向村里走去。Facing the sunset, the flower cow kept shaking its tail to catch flies and shaking its head. It seemed to be drunk and walked lazily to the village.

黄公鸡昂首曲颈,正在引吭高歌,犹如一位初次登台的男高音歌唱家,神采飞扬。The yellow cock, with his head raised and his neck bent, is singing aloud, like a tenor singer who is on stage for the first time.

大象的鼻子能伸能缩,舒展自如感觉灵敏动作灵活,摆动起来就好像一条翻腾飞舞的大蟒蛇。The elephant’s nose can stretch, stretch freely, feel agile and flexible, and swing like a flying boa constrictor.

爷爷家的马是一匹强壮的雄马,一身枣红色的棕毛,两只像树叶一样的耳朵,又黑又有神的大眼睛。Grandpa’s horse is a strong male horse with jujube-red brown hair, two leaves-like ears, and big black eyes.
