长颈鹿那长而粗的脖子像吊车的长臂一样,上下左右地灵活转动。The giraffe’s long, thick neck rotates flexibly from top to bottom like the long arm of a crane.
野鸭悠闲自在地浮着,一会儿跌入水底,一会儿又立在浪尖上,像孩子在打秋千。The duck floats leisurely, falls to the bottom of the water, and stands on the top of the waves, like a child on a swing.
在一堆食物面前,狼简直像是吃下了过量的兴奋药,也像是染上了什么狂躁症似的,几乎是喘着大气般在进食了。In front of a pile of food, wolves almost eat as if they had taken too much stimulants, as if they had been suffering from mania, and almost gasped for air.
鹦鹉身穿雪白的羽袍,头上长着一撮美丽的皇冠一样的羽毛,眼睛嘿嘿的,镶着一圈银边,可神气了。The parrot was dressed in a snow-white robe, with a handful of beautiful crown-like feathers on its head, eyes hey-hey, with a silver rim, but it looked great.
这是多么巨大的一条鲸呀!它露出水面的脊背,就像是一个岛,它喷出的水柱,就有好几丈高。What a huge whale it is! It emerges from the back of the water, like an island, and its water column is several feet high.
那黑狗不吼不叫,像一个很有身分的武士,威严、老练,在大门口走来走去。The black dog did not roar and did not bark. He was like a knight with great dignity, dignity and sophistication, walking around the gate.
仲夏时节,鸟儿们整天在树上开演唱会,欢声笑语,那气氛好不热闹。In the middle of summer, the birds give concerts in the trees all day, laughing and laughing. The atmosphere is not lively.
海鸥洁白、矫健,展现着一种美和力的光彩,给这茫茫的海天平添一派生气。The seagulls are white and vigorous, showing a glory of beauty and strength, which adds vitality to the vast sea balance.
巨大的太平洋风暴甚至使航海家胆战心惊,但信天翁却乘风翱翔,得意洋洋。The huge Pacific storm even made the navigators tremble, but albatrosses soared in the wind and were proud of themselves.
凑近一看,金鱼的眼睛又大又圆,都快遮住整张脸了,圆圆的眼珠子直往外冒,像是两个大灯泡。Close up, the goldfish’s eyes are big and round, almost covering the whole face, round eyes straight out, like two big light bulbs.
忽然河谷里传来几十头野象的吼叫声,就像几十台机车一齐鸣笛一样,气魄大极了。Suddenly in the valley came the roar of dozens of wild elephants, like dozens of locomotives whistling together, with great courage.
小鱼刚刚隐约可见,翠鸟就蹬开苇秆,像箭一样飞过去,刹那间,叼起一条小鱼,贴着水面往远处飞走了。As soon as the fish was dimly visible, the kingfisher kicked off the reed and flew like an arro In a moment, it picked up a small fish and flew away near the surface of the water.
鹿是腿长尾短、性情温顺、惹人喜爱的动物,毛色黄褐,杂有白斑,有的头上还有树枝一样的角。Deer is a lovely animal with long legs and short tails, gentle temperament, yellow-brown fur, mixed with white spots, and some heads have branches like horns.
白鹭全身羽毛雪白,一群群不停在树枝上,真像是绿树上开满了白色的花朵。Egrets are white in feathers, and flocks of egrets are constantly on the branches. It’s like green trees are full of white flowers.
刚刚从幼虫羽化的蜻蜒,那叠在一起的翅膀,像撑雨伞一样,一下子就全部伸展开来。Just emerged from the larvae of the dragonfly, the folded wings, like an umbrella, all at once stretched out.
天鹅那白瓷一般光滑的羽毛,没有一丝杂质,就好像一团浓墨泼上去,也会整个儿滚落下来,沾不上一星半点。Swan’s white porcelain feathers are smooth, without any impurities. They are like a mass of ink pouring on them, and they will roll down and not touch a single star or a half.
黑鹰平展着宽阔的两翼在空中翱翔,简直像一架小型飞机。The Black Hawk is flying in the air with its wide wings, just like a small airplane.
这只猪吃东西的时候,两个耳朵像大扇子一样一扇一扇的,脑袋一颠一颠的,眼睛紧紧地盯着食物。* when the pig eats, it has two ears, like a big fan, with one head and one head. Its eyes are staring at the food closely.
一身乌黑的羽毛,一对剪刀似的尾巴,一对刚劲轻快的翅膀,凑成了那样活泼可爱的小燕子。A pair of black feathers, a pair of scissors-like tails, a pair of vigorous and light wings make up such a lively and lovely swallo
我爱我的玉兔,它们是我生活中不可缺少的伙伴。I love my Jade Rabbits. They are indispensable partners in my life.