

感恩是一种美德;感恩更是一则芬芳的誓言;感恩是一种幸福;感恩更是一个永恒的支点。Gratitude is a virtue; gratitude is a fragrant oath; gratitude is a happiness; gratitude is an eternal fulcrum.

您推崇真诚和廉洁,以此视作为人处世的准则。您是我们莘莘学子心目中的楷模。You respect sincerity and honesty as the norm of life. You are a model in the minds of our students.

一见到你就知道;我们一辈注定要当好兄弟。一起有难同当,有福同享。As soon as you see it, we are destined to be good brothers. It’s hard to share, but it’s good to share.

我感恩我的老师,是他们阳光般的笑脸抚慰我心灵的创伤,用无悔的青春书写不朽的辉煌篇章。I am grateful to my teachers for their sunny smiles to soothe my wounds and write immortal brilliant chapters with unrepentant youth.

建立和巩固家庭的力量是爱情,是父亲和母亲、父亲和孩子、母亲和孩子相互之间的忠诚的、纯真的爱情。The strength of family building and consolidation is love, which is loyal and pure love between father and mother, father and child, mother and child.

拥有感恩的心,你会感谢善良的人们给予你的每一份善意,无论相识不相识。With a grateful heart, you will be grateful to the kind people who give you every goodwill, whether you know each other or not.

怀着一颗感恩的心,去面对生活,人生就会过得幸福而充实。With a grateful heart, to face life, life will be happy and full.

拨动真诚的心弦,铭记成长的辛酸,成功的道路上永远离不开您,亲爱的老师,祝您永远幸福!Pull sincere heartstrings, bear in mind the bitterness of growth, the road to success can never be separated from you, dear teacher, I wish you happiness forever!

生命从灵魂意义上来说,是由无数个感动构成的。In the sense of soul, life is made up of innumerable touches.

您用火一般的情感温暖着每一个同学的心房,无数颗心被您牵引激荡,连您的背影也凝聚着滚烫的目光。You warm every classmate’s heart with fire-like emotion. Countless hearts are stirred by your pull, and even your back is condensed with hot eyes.


老师,您的关怀充满我的学生时代,与您在一起的日子如坐春风,如沐春雨!Teacher, your concern is full of my student days, and the days with you are like spring breeze, like spring rain!

老师,您就像春雨一样,滋润了我们这些小草,像园丁哺育我们这些花朵。老是,您是伟大的。Teacher, you are like spring rain, moistening our grass and nurturing our flowers like gardeners. Always, you are great.

全世界的母亲是多么的相象!她们的心始终一样,都有一颗极为纯真的赤子之心。How similar mothers are all over the world! Their hearts are always the same, they all have a very pure heart.

感谢你的关怀,感谢你的帮助,感谢你对我做的一切,请接受我的祝愿,祝你健康幸福。Thank you for your care, thank you for your help, thank you for everything you have done to me, please accept my wishes, I wish you health and happiness.

人生于天地之间,戴天地之大恩,时时保有一颗感恩的心最为可贵。Life is born between heaven and earth. It is most precious to have a grateful heart when you wear the great grace of heaven and earth.

不要总是数着自己付出了多少,要记住从别人那得到了多少。Don’t always count how much you’ve given, but remember how much you’ve got from others.

感恩是一种力量,感恩是一种责任,感恩是一种义务。Gratitude is a kind of power, gratitude is a kind of responsibility, gratitude is a kind of obligation.

学会感恩,谨存一份感恩的心,我们生命的每段历程才会充满温馨与感动。Learn to be grateful and keep a grateful heart. Every stage of our life will be filled with warmth and touching.

草感地恩,方得其郁葱;花感雨恩,方得其艳丽;己感彼恩,方得其壮大!感恩,感恩我们所爱的人!Grass feels like grace, only its lush; flower feels like rain, only its gorgeous; self feels like Peter, only its growth! Thanksgiving, thank the people we love!

虽然你没有出众的外表,但你的成熟魅力无人能比;虽然你缺乏浪漫的温情,但你的体贴令我心驰神往!Although you have no outstanding appearance, but your mature charm is incomparable; although you lack romantic warmth, but your consideration makes me fascinated!
