
懂得了感恩,懂得感激,人就会变得善良,宽容,有爱。Know how to be grateful, know how to be grateful, people will become kind, tolerant and loving.

因为有你们,才使得平凡的我,有了不平凡的生命。Because of you, it makes ordinary me, have extraordinary life.

感谢天地,感谢命运,天地宽广,道路坎坷,但只要心中有爱,心存感恩,我们就会努力,我们就可以前行。Thank heaven and earth, thank fate, heaven and earth are broad, the road is rough, but as long as there is love in our hearts and gratitude in our hearts, we will work hard, we can move forward.

那么,让我们合上双手,闭上双眼,向上天诚心的祷告,愿天下人都学会感恩”感恩”!Then, let’s close our hands, eyes and pray sincerely to God. May everyone in the world learn to be grateful!

传播知识,就是播种希望,播种幸福。老师,您就是这希望与幸福的播种人!To spread knowledge is to sow hope and happiness. Teacher, you are the seeder of hope and happiness!

生活里,有很多转瞬即逝,像在车站告别,刚刚还相互拥抱,转眼已各自天涯。In life, there are many fleeting moments, such as farewell at the station, just embracing each other, in a twinkling of an eye has their own horizons.

学会怀抱感激,才会有人生的信念,生命的动力。Learn to be grateful, then you will have faith in life, the power of life.

感恩父母,是他们把我们带到了这个世界上,给了我们无私的爱和关怀,却不图回报。Thanksgiving parents, they brought us into the world, gave us selfless love and care, but not in return.

你我相见是一种缘份,我们彼此珍惜着这份来之不易的感情。希望在以后的路上能陪伴着你一生一世。You and I meet is a fate, we cherish each other’s hard-won feelings. I hope I can accompany you all my life in the future.

感恩有你,感恩有我,愿大家在以后的人生道路中时刻感恩,勇敢面对生活!Thanksgiving has you, Thanksgiving has me, I wish you all in the future life road always thanksgiving, brave face life!

老师,是辛勤的园丁;老师,是学生的引路人;老师,是知识的传播者;老师,是人类灵魂的工程师!Teachers are hard gardeners; teachers are guides to students; teachers are disseminators of knowledge; teachers are engineers of human soul!

如果生活里没有老师,就好像万物没有阳光;如果智慧里没有老师,就好像鸟儿没有翅膀。If there is no teacher in life, it is like everything has no sunshine; if there is no teacher in wisdom, it is like a bird without wings.

换一种角度去看待人生的失意与不幸,怀着感恩的心生活,生活将赐予你灿烂的阳光。Look at the disappointment and misfortune of life from another angle. Live with gratitude. Life will give you brilliant sunshine.

老师,您是美的耕耘者,美的播种者。是您用美的阳光普照,用美的雨露滋润,我们的心田才绿草如茵,繁花似锦!Teacher, you are the cultivator and seeder of beauty. It is you who shine with beautiful sunshine and moisten with beautiful rain and dew that make our hearts green and blossom like flowers.

感恩不一定要感谢大恩大德,感恩可以是一种生活态度,一种善于发现美并欣赏美的道德情操。Gratitude does not necessarily mean gratitude for generosity. Gratitude can be an attitude towards life, a moral sentiment that is good at discovering and appreciating beauty.

那么,让我们合上双手,闭上双眼,向上天诚心地祷告,愿天下人,铭记感恩,铭记恩情!So, let’s close our hands, close our eyes, and pray sincerely to God. May all the people in the world remember their gratitude and gratitude.

作为一个父亲,最大的乐趣就在于:在其有生之年,能够根据自己走过的路来启发、教育子女。As a father, the greatest joy is to be able to inspire and educate children in their lifetime according to the way they have traveled.

老师,感谢您用自己的生命之光,照亮了我人生的旅途。Teacher, thank you for illuminating my journey of life with your own light of life.

春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。老师,你辛苦了!A spring silkworm may not stop spinning silk until death, a candle’s tears dry only when it’s burned down to ashes. Teacher, you worked hard!

很多人、很多事,其咎盖源于不会、不愿感恩,鸦有反哺之义,羊有跪乳之恩,不懂感恩,就失去了爱的感情基础。Many people, many things, the blame is due to will not, unwilling to be grateful, crow has the meaning of feeding back, sheep have kneeling breast, do not know gratitude, lost the emotional basis of love.
