我爱你始于初见,止于终老。I love you from the beginning, check in.
所谓的爱情只是一场可笑的游戏。Love is just a funny game.
我选择爱你,而你,却选择爱她。I choose to love you, but you choose to love her.
我喜欢那个,喜欢你的我。I like that, I like you.
遇见你是我这辈子的惊喜。Meeting you is my whole life.
永远是很长的,而我永远爱你。Forever is a long time, and I love you forever.
我想做永远吃不胖的吃货。I want to do forever do not eat fat chowhound.
你给的在乎,是我开心的理由。You give care, is my reason to be happy.
你给的世界,满满的都是爱。You give the world, full of love.
愿得一人心,白首不分离!Would like to have a heart, without any separation!
爱很简单很单纯,你我大胆说出来。Love is very simple very simple, you and I dare say.
我爱的人也很爱我,很幸福。I love the people who love me, very happy.
我要和你幸福的度过每一天的时光。I want to spend every day happily with you.
有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。The darkness is no darkness with thee.
情话很美,连外人都跟着流泪。Love is beautiful, even the outsiders with tears.
爱留下伤痕,但也教人忘记痛过。Love leave scars, but also teach people to forget the pain.
别站在你的角度看我,你看不懂。Don’t look at me from your point of vie
沿着记忆的轨迹,寻找你的足迹。Follow the path of memory, find your footprints.
你说因为有我所以赢了全世界。You said you won the world because of me.
曾经相遇,总胜过从未碰头。Once met, total than never to meet.