
我用我的痴心,换取你的真心;我把我的爱心,送给你这位知心;不要对我无心,请与我永结同心。I use my heart, for your heart; I put my love, give you the bosom; don’t tell me no, please contact me to tie the knot.

最想听到的是你的笑声,最想看到的是你的快乐,愿幸福永远陪伴你,这是我最真心的祝福!Most want to hear is your laughter, most want to see is your happiness, happiness is always with you, this is my most sincere blessing!

天上鹊桥见,人间今宵圆。月上林梢头,人约黄昏后。七夕鹊桥见,情谊两绵绵。无语相见事,尽在不言中。The sky bridge, earth circle. Shanglin Shaotou month after the date. The Qixi Festival bridge, two continuous friendship. No language to meet, do not speak.

最远的是山,最近的是心,隔着山水相望,不如真实地靠近,爱你,决定嫁给你!The most distant mountains, the most recent heart, across the landscape across, not really close, love you, marry you decide!

洞庭湖的水,绿油油,咱俩的爱情才开头,你是我的心,你是我的肝,你是我心中的四分之三!The water in Dongting Lake, green, zanliang love before the beginning, you are my heart, you are my liver, you are in my heart 3/4!

清晨曙光初现,幸福在你身边;中午艳阳高照,微笑在你心间傍;傍晚日落西山,欢乐随你一天!In the early morning dawn, happiness at your side; at noon the sun is shining, smile in your heart near the evening; The sun sinks in the west. joy with you one day!

你的幸福,我来建筑,你的煳涂,我来弥补,你的贪图,我来满足,你的任性我来让步,爱你,非我莫属。Your happiness, I come to your building, Hu Tu, I can make up for your sake, I’ll meet you, self willed me to give, love you, mine.

人生在世难得有自己的知心朋友,而你就是我其中一个,我不想失去一个知心的你。There is no such thing as a bosom friend, and you are one of them. I don’t want to lose you.

你是我生命中最闪亮的音符,我的生活因你而精彩!愿美好的乐章谱满我们以后的每一个清晨与黄昏!You are the most beautiful notes in my life, my life is wonderful because of you! May the music of the future be filled with every morning and evening!

你留给我的,是美丽的记忆。你使是怀念少年时的纯真和友谊。当我捧起记忆中的佳酿想请你喝时,却先醉了自己。You left me with beautiful memories. You miss the innocence and friendship. When I won the memory of the wine would like to invite you to drink, but his first drunk.

七夕抬头望碧霄,喜鹊双双拱鹊桥。家家乞巧对秋月,无尽心丝君知晓?The Qixi Festival looked up at both arch bridge parts, magpie. The families of Qiqiao moon, endless heart silk junzhixiao?

如果你觉得我有点累,就请你给我倒碗水,如果你已经爱上我,就请你吻我的嘴。If you think I’m a little tired, please give me a bowl of water, if you have fallen in love with me, please kiss my mouth.

钟声是我的问候,歌声是我的祝福,雪花是我的贺卡,美酒是我的飞吻,清风是我的拥抱,快乐是我的礼物!Bell is my greetings, singing is my blessing, snowflake is my card, wine is my kiss, the breeze is I embrace, happiness is my gift!

有多少爱可以重来,有多少人愿意等待,当懂得珍惜以后回来,却不知那份爱,会不会还在。How much love can be repeated, how many people are willing to wait, when you know how to cherish the future, but I do not know that love, will not be.

如果上天让我许三个愿望,第一个是今生今世和你在一起,第二个是再生再世和你在一起,第三个是永生永世和你不分离。If God let me make three wishes, the first is this present life together with you, the second is the regeneration of the world together with you, the third is for ever and ever and you are not isolated.

天上的一颗星,是地上的一个女孩,属于你的只有一个,找到后请珍惜吧,失去它你将会失去整个天空。One of the stars in the sky, is a girl on the ground, belong to you only one, find it, please cherish it, lose it you will lose the sky.

给你我所有的爱,和对你所有的眷恋,用我生命里最好的年华来好好爱你!I give you all my love, and all my love for you, with the best years of my life to love you!

你的味道让我醉了,愿生生世世倦在你怀中,你是我苦苦寻觅的爱人,亲亲爱爱的宝贝。You let me taste drunk, let tired generation after generation in your arms, you are looking for my lover, baby kiss.

有一份工作没有工资,没有休息,没有退休,也不会下岗,而且是我最爱的工作,那就是爱你。There is a job without pay, no rest, no retirement, will not be laid off, and is my favorite job, that is love you.

你我相拥倾听新年的钟声犹如岁月的流逝,簇拥着我们共同的梦,满心的爱意化作真挚的祝福–新年快乐!You hug me listen to the new year’s bell as if the passage of time, surrounded by our common dream, full of love into sincere best wishes: Happy New year!
