
黑暗和孤单最大的敌人是爱,没有爱的我现在很孤单。Dark and lonely the biggest enemy is love, I am very lonely without love.

有时候,我很想消失一下,然后看看你是否会在乎我。Sometimes, I really want to disappear once, and then see if you would care about me.

痛过之后就不会觉得痛了,有的只会是一颗冷漠的心。After the pain will not feel pain, some will only is a cold heart.

不完全是,但要是没有肯定不能叫爱情,顶多叫交情。If not entirely, but not sure you can not call love, at most is called friendship.

我要努力使自己变得强大,随时迎接从天而降的爱情。I try to make myself become strong, at any time to meet the sky of love.

会有一个熟悉的名字,一旦传进耳朵里,心就全乱了。There will be a familiar name, once pass into the ears, heart was all messed up.

我生君未生,君生我已老,恨不生同年,日日与君好。I was born gentleman not born, you gave me birth is old, hate not born in the same year, day after day with you.

异性友情的发展,就象双曲线,无限接近但永不触及。The development of the opposite sex friendship, like a hyperbola, infinitely close to but never touched.

我宁愿嫉妒你的幸福,也不愿做你爱情路上的绊脚石。I would rather envious of your happiness, rather than on the way of doing what you love.

不要在你哭泣的时候,说气话,下决定,你会后悔的。Don’t you cry, said angry words, decision, you’ll be sorry.


出去并不可怕,就怕是出去了不知道什么时候才回来。Go out is not terrible, and went out even don’t know when to come back.

当我们面对突如其来的爱情,牵手和放手都需要勇气。When we are faced with the sudden love, need courage to hold hands and let it go.

最厌烦的感觉不是成为陌生人,而是逐渐陌生的态度。The most tired of feeling is not a stranger, but gradually strange attitude.

有些情感当我们年轻时不懂,当我们懂得时为时已晚。Some feelings when we are young do not understand, when we know it is too late.

心总是在最痛时,复苏;爱总是在最深时,落下帷幕。Heart is always in the most pain, recovery; Love is always in the deepest, ended.

世界上最好闻的味道:就是抱着你时,你身上的味道。Smell the taste of the best in the world: is to hold you, the way you smell.

愿意委屈自己的人,唯一的原因,就是深深爱着对方。Willing to compromise their own people, the only reason, is love each other deeply.

每日不拘何时,静做一会,体验静级生阳来复之人心。Daily informal when, quiet for a moment, experience the static level born Yang reflex of the heart.

我甚至连他的一张照片都没有。他只活在我的记忆里。I even don’t have a picture of him. He only live in my memory.

人的需要也不多,一杯清水,一条面包,一句我爱你!Not the people’s needs, a cup of water, a loaf of bread, a word I love you!
