
世界上用的最普通的名词是朋友,但是最难得的也是朋友。The most common noun in the world is friend, but the most rare one is also friend.

不要因为失去一个不爱你的人,让爱你的人为你难过。Don’t let those who love you feel sorry for losing someone who doesn’t love you.

我最好的年华里,不是遇到了你们,而是有了你们,我才有了最好的年华。My best years are not when I meet you, but when I have you, I have the best years.

友谊既不需要奴隶,也不允许有统治者,友谊喜欢平等。Friendship needs neither slaves nor rulers. Friendship likes equality.

世上朋友之间的感情本罕见,平等朋友的情谊更难求。Friendship between friends is rare in the world, and friendship between equal friends is even harder to find.

随着年龄的增长,我们并不是失去了一些朋友,而是我们懂得了谁才是真正的朋友。As we grow older, we don’t lose some friends, but we learn who our real friends are.

我们即将步入新的生活,前面的路还很长很长,让我们更加珍惜今日所拥有的青春和友谊,用真情去浇灌友谊的花蕾。We are about to enter a new life. There is still a long way to go. Let’s cherish the youth and friendship we have today, and water the buds of friendship with our true feelings.

种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。种下优惠的朋友的情谊,得到仁惠的朋友的情谊。Sow a melon, grow a bean, get a bean. Cultivate the friendship of preferential friends and get the friendship of benevolent friends.

你的难过我来分担,你的快乐我来分享,好朋友永远在你身边朋友的情谊的延续来自心灵。Your sorrow I share, your happiness I share, good friends always in your side of the friend’s friendship continues from the soul.

人与人的朋友之间的感情,把多数人的心灵结合在一起,由于这种可贵的联系,是温柔甜蜜的。The feelings between people and their friends unite the hearts of most people. Because of this valuable connection, they are tender and sweet.


我经历过的最好的友情,不是多么热血,多么豪情,而是你们一直都在,默默的在,不离不弃。The best friendship I have ever experienced is not so much blood and pride, but that you are always there, silently, and never give up.

好朋友之间的相处,重在坦率,重在舒服。我不希望他来找我借钱难以启齿,我也不希望我找他还钱的时候需要小心翼翼,这才是好朋友的相处之道。The relationship between good friends lies in frankness and comfort. I don’t want him to come and borrow money from me. I don’t want him to be careful when I ask him to return money. That’s how good friends get along.

真诚的,十分理智的友谊是人生的无价之宝。你能否对你的朋友守信不渝,永远做一个无愧于他的人,这就是你的灵魂、性格、心理以至于道德的最好的考验。Sincere, very rational friendship is the priceless treasure of life. Whether you can keep faith with your friends and always be worthy of him is the best test of your soul, character, psychology and morality.

友谊的基础在于两个人的心肠和灵魂有着最大的相似。Friendship is based on the greatest similarity between the hearts and souls of two people.

不要靠馈赠去获得朋友。你须贡献你诚挚的爱,学会怎样用正当的方法来赢得一个人的心。Don’t rely on gifts to get friends. You must contribute your sincere love and learn how to win a person’s heart in a proper way.

十年后,希望我们还是好朋友,见面了仍然可以毫无顾忌的开玩笑。Ten years later, I hope we are still good friends and can still make fun of each other without scruple.

你的敌人和朋友携手合作,才能伤你的心。敌人大肆诽谤你,朋友赶忙传给你听。Only when your enemies and friends work hand in hand can you hurt your heart. The enemy slanders you so much that your friends quickly pass it on to you.

好朋友就是聊天永远没句号,路上碰到了不是微笑而是动手动脚,互说脏话没下限。A good friend is a chat that never ends. It’s not a smile, it’s a gesture, and there’s no limit to swearing each other.

走在沙漠上的人,希望有甘甜的泉水;在逆境中拼搏的人,渴望有诚挚的友谊。Those who walk in the desert hope to have sweet spring water; those who struggle in adversity yearn for sincere friendship.

真正的朋友有三种:爱你的朋友,忘你的朋友,恨你的朋友。There are three kinds of true friends: those who love you, those who forget you, and those who hate you.
