
友谊与爱情都是旅途中寂寞心灵的良伴。友谊淡如茶,爱情浓似酒;好茶清香解渴,好酒芳醇醉人。Friendship and love are good companions for the lonely soul in the journey. Friendship is light as tea, love is strong as wine; good tea is fragrant and thirsty, and good wine is mellow and intoxicating.

身边总有几个这样的朋友,第一次遇见的时候斯斯文文的,熟了以后就不知道是哪个神经病院放出来的!There are always a few such friends around me. When I first met them, I was in a good mood. When I got familiar with them, I didn’t know which neurological hospital they were released from.

你怀念那场张扬青春里的你自己,被你记起只不过是因为我恰好在那里。You miss the time when you publicized youthful self, you remember only because I happened to be there.

那以往的同窗生活,是一串冰糖葫芦,那迷人的甜与酸将永远回味不完。The life of former classmates is a bunch of ice-sugar gourds. The charming sweetness and sour will never end.

我不愿意把我们之间的友谊比作铁链;因为铁链也许会被雨水锈蚀,或被倒下来的树砸断。I don’t like to compare our friendship to a chain; it may be rusted by rain or broken by fallen trees.

真正的好朋友,互损不会翻脸,出钱不会计较,地位不分高低,成功无需巴结,失败不会离去。True good friends, mutual loss will not turn their faces, money will not care about, regardless of status, success does not need to falter, failure will not leave.

友谊,是一缕阳光,温暖着人心;友谊,是茫茫沙漠中的一处很小的泉眼;友谊,还是一座避风的港湾。Friendship is a ray of sunshine that warms people’s hearts; friendship is a small spring in the vast desert; friendship is also a haven for shelter.

友情可以不要求什么,但是,它有一种温暖,是我们都能体会到的。Friendship can ask for nothing, but it has a kind of warmth that we can all realize.

随着年龄的增长,身边的朋友越来越多,但是真心的朋友会越来越少,只有留下来的才是真正的朋友。With the growth of age, there are more and more friends around us, but there will be fewer and fewer sincere friends. Only those who remain are real friends.

不管你还相不相信我们的友谊,请你记住,只要你回头,我还会在那里等你。Whether you believe in our friendship or not, please remember that as long as you look back, I will be there for you.


友谊,以互相尊重为基础的崇高美好的友谊,深切的同情,对别人的成就决不恶意嫉妒,对自己培养一种集体利益高于一切的意识。Friendship, a lofty and beautiful friendship based on mutual respect, deep sympathy, no malicious envy of other people’s achievements, and cultivate a sense of collective interest above all else for oneself.

真正的好朋友,互损不会翻脸,疏远不会猜疑,出钱不会计较,地位不分高低,成功无需巴结,失败不会离去。True good friends, mutual loss will not turn their faces, alienation will not be suspicious, money will not care, regardless of status, success does not need to falter, failure will not leave.

友谊是一种人际关系。交友是人的一种本能。患难之中,我们需要朋友帮忙支持和鼓励。取得了成绩,我们也需要朋友分享欢乐。Friendship is a kind of interpersonal relationship. Making friends is a human instinct. In the midst of adversity, we need the help, support and encouragement of our friends. Achievements have been made, and we need friends to share our joy.

友情是一种最纯洁、最高尚、最朴素、最平凡的感情,也是最浪漫、最动人、最坚实、最永恒的情感。Friendship is the purest, noblest, simplest and most ordinary feeling. It is also the most romantic, moving, solid and eternal emotion.

即使我们被慢慢风干、氧化、皮肤褶皱,也要相视而笑、携手走过风风雨雨!有你、有你的陪伴,枯萎又何妨!Even if we are slowly air-dried, oxidized and skin wrinkles, we should also look at each other and laugh, hand in hand through the wind and rain! With you and your company, what’s wrong with withering?

真正的朋友,在你面前损你,在外人面前拼命维护你。Real friends, hurt you in front of you, in front of outsiders desperately defend you.

友情就像久酿的老酒,越久越香,友情就像鲜艳的玫瑰,香气扑鼻,友情就像经历风霜的古镇,越老越美!Friendship is like old wine brewed for a long time. The longer it is, the more fragrant it is. Friendship is like bright roses. The fragrance of friendship is like an ancient town that has experienced wind and frost. The older it is, the more beautiful it is.

下雨刮风还是晴天多,误解争执还是甜蜜多,无论成功失败荣耀平凡,我都关注你支持你理解你,因为我选择了你作我的朋友。祝你天天开心,幸福快活。Rain and wind or sunny days, misunderstanding and dispute or sweetness, regardless of success or failure, glory and ordinary, I care about you to support you and understand you, because I chose you as my friend. I wish you happiness every day.

即使相处的时间不多,但所谓的友情是不在乎相处的时间长短的。Even though we don’t spend much time together, the so-called friendship doesn’t care how long we spend together.

即使是最好的朋友也应该保持一定距离,正如里尔克所说,友谊最高的境界是守护彼此的孤独。Even the best friends should keep a certain distance, as Rilke said, the highest level of friendship is to guard each other’s loneliness.
