
你所有的痛苦都是活该,谁叫你自己想不开。You deserve all your pain. Who told you you not to think about it?

写尽千山落笔是你,行尽万水尽头是你。It is you who write all the mountains, and it is you who walk all the waters.

对过往闭口不提,是好是坏皆为经历。To keep silent about the past is to experience both good and bad.

去找一个温暖如太阳的人,为你晒掉所有不值一提的悲伤。Find a person who is as warm as the sun and sun all the worthless sorrow for you.

太在意别人的看法,累的还是自己。Too concerned about other people’s opinions, tired or their own.

不求尽如人意,但求问心无愧。Not to be satisfied, but to have a clear conscience.

不要过分善良,毕竟有些人,真的挺不是人的。Don’t be too kind. After all, some people are really not human.

有些事本来就不值得原谅跟大不大度没关系。Something that is not worth forgiving has nothing to do with being too big or too small.

选一款自己喜欢的面具,因为你要带一辈子。Choose a mask you like, because you have to carry it for life.

当初那个可爱的我早已不见,取而代之的是一个更可爱的我。At the beginning, that lovely me has long disappeared, replaced by a more lovely me.

生活很累,别让心灵再累;生命不长,别让自己硬扛。Life is very tired, don’t let the heart tired again; life is not long, don’t let yourself carry.

你是我猜不到的不知所措,我是你想不到的无关痛痒。You’re at a loss I can’t guess. I’m a pain you can’t imagine.

往事不回头,余生不将就。前路迢迢,愿你且行且珍惜。Never look back, never live the rest of your life. It’s a long way to go. I hope you can do it and cherish it.

每个人心里都有一道伤,那是天曾经塌下来的地方。Everyone has a wound in his heart, which is where the sky once collapsed.

世间有风情万种,只为你情有独钟。There are all kinds of Customs in the world, only for you.

在我眼里你特别好看,从眼睫毛到头皮屑都好看的那种好看。You look great in my eyes, from eyelashes to dandruff.

为了遇见你,竟花光了我所有的运气。It took all my luck to meet you.

夜深忽梦少年事,唯梦闲人不梦君。Late at night, dreams of young things, but idle people do not dream of monarch.

你只看到我笑得比谁都灿烂,却忘记了我原本比谁都孤单。You can only see that I laugh more brilliantly than anyone else, but forget that I was lonelier than anyone else.

生活挺不容易了,相互哄一哄,骗一骗吧。Life is not easy, coax each other and cheat each other.
