

I think I forgot to breathe。 (Bella)我想可能是我忘了呼吸。

Do I dazzle you? (Edward)那我有没有让你目眩神迷过?

You’re in here because of me。你是为了我而存在的。

He looks at you like…like you’re something to eat。 (Mike)他看你的样子就像……就像把你当成点心一样。

Shall I explain how you are tempting me? (Edward)用我解释你什么地方让我动心了吗?

Hadn’t you noticed? I’m breaking all the rules now。 (Edward)难道你没有看出来吗?我现在在打破所有的规则。

Forks was literally my personal hell on earth。 (Bella)Forks对我而言,简直就是一座人间地狱。

Bring on the shackles ― I’m your prisoner。 (Edward)把镣铐拿来――我让你俘虏了。

I just couldn’t live in a world where you don’t exist。没有你的世界,我活着也没有意义。

I don’t think a tank could take out that old monster。 (Jacob)我估计连坦克都拿那老怪物没办法。


I am only afraid of losing you。 I feel you’re gonna disappear。我唯一害怕的事情就是失去你,我感觉你就要消失了。

What if I’m not a superhero? What if I’m the bad guy?要是我不是超级英雄呢?要是我是个坏蛋呢?

Your hair looks like a haystack… but I like it。 (Edward)你的头发就像一堆干草……不过,我很喜欢

Your number was up the first time I met you。 (Edward)我第一次遇见你的时候你就劫数难逃。

Actually, Esme wouldn’t care if you had a third eye and webbed feet。 (Edward)其实,Esme才不管你有没有第三只眼和脚蹼呢。

Yeah, it’s an off day when I don’t get somebody telling me how edible I smell。 (Bella)是啊,没有哪一天我不让人说我秀色可餐的!

You are utterly indecent ― no one should look so tempting, it’s not fair。 (Edward)你这打扮也太不成体统了――谁也不该打扮得这么诱人,不合规矩。

This truck is old enough to be your car’s grandfather-have some respect。 (Bella)这辆卡车有年头了,都可以当你那辆车的爷爷了――尊重它一点。

Are you still faint from the run? Or was it my kissing expertise? (Edward)你还觉得头晕吗?是因为刚才奔跑,还是我亲吻的技术太好?

Are you so depressed by Forks that it’s made you suicidal。 (Edward)是不是Forks让你感到这么消沉,让你来自取灭亡啊?
