
时间才是良药。Time is a good medicine.

强势未必是强者。Strength is not strong.

失望过后是坦然。After the disappointment is calm.

好走的都是下坡路。The easy is downhillx.

怀疑是知识的钥匙。Doubt is the key to knowledge.

人不爱己没人爱你。No one who don’t have love you.

细节可以看懂一切。Details can understand everything.

别让未知成为负荷。Don’t let the unknown become the load.

时间可以证明一切。Time can prove everything.

人生路没有回头路。We no turning back.

梦想总是遥不可及。Dream is always out of reach.

不要与过去过不去。Don’t can not pass with the past.

成熟在于你看透多少。Mature lies in how much you see through.

青春很短,路却很长。Youth is short, has a long way.

三分长相,七分打扮。Three points look, dress up seven points.

寂寞是最可怕的�橙恕�Loneliness is the most terrible enemy.

人有绝交,才有至交。People have a dear John, to have friends.

强者生存,弱者不适。The strong survive, the weak discomfort.

学会珍惜,才会拥有。Learn to cherish, will have.

时间是一切创伤的良药。Time is the best cure all wounds.
