
你长的违章!Your long violation!

你都不理我,那我成狗不理了!You ignore me, then ignore me into!

别再浪费我的时间了!Don’t waste my time any more.

我讨厌你!I hate you!

放屁时,说一声!Fart, say!

我们完了!We’re done!

再过一百年,就长成了参天大葱。One hundred years later, he has grown into a towering green.

老子从不以爱的名义绑架任何人。I never kidnap anyone in the name of love.

一看你就是喝三鹿长大的。A look at you is to drink Sanlu grew up.

离我远一点儿!Get out from me!

别用你的智商来揣测我的行为。Don’t use your intelligence quotient to guess my behavior.

你敢再回来!Don’t you dare come back again!

面具带久了,那就是脸了。Mask with a long time, and that is the face of the.

长的一表人渣还好意思说我。A long table scumbag EM barrassed me.

今天天气不错,又刮风又下雨的。The weather is good today. It’s windy and rainy.

你为什么要在我面前红红火火的。Why are you in front of me booming.

走开。Go away。

真不好意思,让您贱笑了。I’m so sorry to make you laugh.

美则美诶,可惜做了老头的小三。Beauty is beauty ah, but as the old man’s mistress.

手榴弹看到你会自爆。Grenade self you will see.
