你疯了!You are crazy!
你敢!Dare you!
真糟糕!Really bad!
别怕!Don’t panic!
我再也受不了你啦!I can’t take you any more!
够了够了!Enough is enough!
你是全世界傻逼的细胞组成的。You are the whole world idiot cell composition.
我多么希望那是真的,但是我怕。How I wish it was true, but I’m afraid.
我宰了你!I could kill you!
你喝二氧化碳长大的吧。You drank the carbon dioxide.
你怎么回事?What’s wrong with you?
我受不了了!I can’t bear it!
你搞得一团糟!Look at the mess you’ve made!
你长得很抽象。You are very abstract.
小子你真狂,口气比脚气都大。Boy you really mad, the tone is bigger than the beriberi.
真是白痴一个!What a stupid idiot!
不要的东西,再好也是垃圾。Don’t do things, and then the garbage.
你内张脸长地比盆骨都标志。You in the face than the pelvis sign.
一脸兴冲冲的,跟喝了尿糖似的。A face excitedly, with drink urine like.
化粪池堵塞的凶手。Septic tanks blocked the murderer.