
我宰了你!I could kill you!

请你卷成一团圆润的离开。Please leave your balled up round.

要我说几次呀,你真他妈的笨!Want me to say a few times, you’re really fucking stupid!

这么傻,谁把你带来的。So silly, who brought you.

我受不了了!I can’t bear it!

你卑微的表面,掩饰变态的内心。Your humble surface, hide the abnormal heart.

别逼我!Don’t push me.

不是我的错。It is not my fault.

你那些五官,真是令人发指。Your facial features, is really outrageous.

有你的地方,我就觉得很恶心。Where you are, I feel sick.


狐狸不是妖、性感不是骚。Fox is not a demon, sexy is not sao.

别那样!Don’t do that!

流氓会武术,谁也挡不住。Rogue martial arts, who also can not stop.

你张的很野兽派嘛!!You’re a very wild animal!!

脸不见血身不见伤四下无人。The face is not seen blood body does not see the injury of four under No.

你这蠢猪!You stupid jerk!

你整就一个被象踩过的。You’re the one who’s been stepped on.

你真让我恶心!You make me sick.

这社会对我不太客气。This society is not polite to me.

我厌倦了。I’m fed up.
