疲惫,而非生离死别,才是爱之苦涩。Tired, not death, love is bitter.
完美有一个严重的缺陷,就是很容易乏味。There is a serious flaw, it is easy to boring.
一个丈夫的权利,在我看来却是一种恩惠。A husband’s rights, in my opinion is a kind of grace.
一经打击就灰心泄气的人,永远是个失败者。A man who is discouraged by the attack, always a loser.
人生最大的悲剧不是死亡,而是他们不再有爱。The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but they are no longer love.
两人肩并肩地走路本身就是件令人愉快的事情。Two people walking side by side, it was pleasant.
人生的大悲剧不是人会死亡,而是他们不再爱了。The great tragedy of life is not that men die, but that they are not loved.
改变好习惯比改掉坏习惯容易的多,这是人生的一大悲衰。Easy to change the habit to get rid of some bad habits, this is a sad life.
一把刀的锋刃很不容易越过;因此智者说得救之道是困难的。It is not easy for a knife edge over; therefore the wise man said salvation is difficult.
一般人都是他们想要做的那种人,而是他们不得不做的那种人。The average person is the kind of person they want to do, but the kind of person they have to do.
如果我们只会这样相互冷嘲热讽,就不要希望事情有什么进展了。If we just don’t want to taunt each other in this way, things are what progress.
若是你的快乐感不再那么强烈,那么你的痛苦也一样不再那么揪心。If your happiness is no longer so strong, so your pain also not so worried.
要想理解一个男人的想法,最好的办法是设身处地从他的角度考虑。To understand a man’s mind, the best way is to put yourself from his point of view.
如果一个男人无力博得一个女人的爱,那将是他的错,而不是她的。If a man can’t win a woman’s love, it will be his fault, not hers.
只有诗人同圣徒才能坚信,在沥青路面上辛勤浇水会培植出百合花来。Only the poet and the saints can believe that the hard water on the asphalt pavement will produce the lily.
虚荣心遭到打击在女人心里激起的仇恨,将胜过身下幼崽惨遭屠戮的母狮。Vanity was hit in the hearts of women arouse hatred, would be better than under the slaughter of the lioness cub.
艺术是什么?艺术是感情的表露,艺术使用的是一种人人都能理解的语言。What is art? Art is the expression of feelings, and the use of art is a language that everyone can understand.
很少有男人学会拒绝女人,等他们看懂女人说话的意图,也老得动弹不了了。Few men learn to reject women, so they understand the intention of a woman to speak, but also the old can not move.
卑鄙与伟大、恶毒与善良、仇恨与热爱是可以互不排斥地并存在同一颗心里的。The mean and the great, the evil and the good, the hatred and the love can be mutually not mutually exclusive and exist in the same heart.
追逐梦想就是追逐自己的厄运,在满地都是六便士的街上,他抬起头看到了月光。Chasing dreams is chasing his own doom, in the ground is six pence in the street, he raised his head to see the moonlight.