

感情有理智所根本不能理解的理由。Reason is not understood by reason.

伟大的艺术从来就是最富于装饰价值的。Great art has always been the most decorated.

上帝的磨盘转动很慢,但是却磨得很细。The mills of God grind slowly, but finely ground.

人生有两宝,一是思想自由,二是行动自由。There are two treasures in life, one is freedom of thought, the two is freedom of action.

既然生活毫无意义,尘世也就无残忍可言了。Since life is meaningless, the world is no cruel at all.

你不能向人们要求超出他们所能给予的东西。You can’t ask people more than they can give.

悲伤,在不同的人身上,会有不同的表现方式。Sadness, in different people, there will be different ways of expression.

你享受一点你真正想的东西,这对你是有好处的。It’s good for you to enjoy what you really want.

生活的意义在于生活本身,而不在于你如何去描写。The meaning of life lies in the life itself, but not in the way you describe it.

如果光是责备我会对你有好处的话,那你就随便吧。If the light is to blame and I will be good for you, then you will be free.


诉说灾祸很快就使人们腻烦,人们不愿看见忧伤的目光。Tell the disaster soon makes people tired, people do not want to see the sad eyes.

结婚是美事一桩,但养成了结婚的习惯,那就令人不敢恭维。Marriage is a good thing, but a marriage custom, it is not flattery.

有的人的胸膛上已经沾了那么多泪水,我不忍再把我的洒上了。Some of the chest has been stained with so many tears, I can not bear to put on my.

我这一辈子再也不会有这样的时刻了。我不打算跟任何人分享。My whole life will never have such a moment again. I’m not going to share with anyone.

我相信,在一场瘟疫中,因为恐惧而死去的人不比因为疾病死去的人少。I believe that in a plague, those who died because of fear are not less than those who died because of the disease.

实际上,受惠者的知恩报答心理,要比施惠者的施恩图报心理淡薄得多。In fact, the beneficiaries of gratitude repay psychology than benefactor of Mercy’s psychology is much weaker.

金钱有如第六感官一般,如果没有金钱,便不可能完全利用其他的感觉。Money is like the sixth senses, if there is no money, it is not possible to fully use the other feeling.

一个男人深深地爱一个女人,并非意味着他就希望下半辈子和她共同度过。A man deeply loves a woman, does not mean that he would like to spend the rest of his life with her.

打翻了牛奶,哭也没用,因为宇宙间的一切力量都在处心积虑要把牛奶打翻。Spilled milk, don’t cry, because everything in the universe is to deliberately plan milk.

爱情要占据一个人莫大的精力,它要一个人离开自己的生活专门去做一个爱人。Love to occupy a great energy, it should be a person to leave their own life to do a special love.
