你需要回炉重造。You need to make.
你疯了!You are crazy!
滚开!Get the hell out of here!
别鬼混了!Stop fooling around!
别逼我!Don’t push me.
耗子去你家都含眼泪走的,真的!Mouse to your home with tears, really!
你的长相看起来很困难。Your face looks very difficult.
我恨你!I hate you!
不是我的错。It is not my fault.
流氓会武术,谁也挡不住。Rogue martial arts, who also can not stop.
你这讨厌鬼。You beast.
你搞得一团糟!Look at the mess you’ve made!
我不如地狱,是你入地狱。I’m not as hell, you go to hell.
我怕你内智商连幼儿园都不收你。I’m afraid you don’t even have your IQ in the kindergarten.
你的样子像拓海。You look like takumi.
你他妈的真混蛋!You fucking bastard!
我再也受不了你啦!I can’t take you any more!
我不想听!I don’t want to hear it.
你长得外形不准,比例没打好。You are not in shape, the ratio did not play well.
你就是个白眼狼儿!You are a Baiwenhang!