
满脸的斑,都快成斑马了。The face of the spot, are fast into a zebra.

谁说的?Who said that?

别跟我摆架子。Don’t give me that attitude.

那才是你脑子里想的!That’s what you think!


站的高,尿的远。Stand high, the urine is far.

靠,你长得太好认了。By, you’re too good to recognize.

人是铁饭是钢,一天不装憋得慌。People are iron rice is steel, one day a suffocating.

你气死我了啦。You make me so mad.

老子从不以爱的名义绑架任何人。I never kidnap anyone in the name of love.


够了够了!Enough is enough!

你脑子有毛病!You are out of your mind.

就你好!细的跟根儿牙签似的。Just hello! Fine with the root toothpicks.

结婚必备条件:有车有房。Marriage prerequisite: there is a car room.

你是全世界傻逼的细胞组成的。You are the whole world idiot cell composition.

江山如此多娇,小三如此风骚。Jiang Shan so many Jiao, small three so much.

这么傻,谁把你带来的。So silly, who brought you.

你就是小陀螺,欠抽。You’re the little top, you owe it.

我诅咒你永生永世都只配当破鞋。I curse you for ever and ever is only when a whore.

你妈的服务都是面向兽类的。Your mother is in service oriented.
