

你怎么回事?What’s wrong with you?

揍你个,性生活不能自理!Hit you, you can not take care of themselves!

虽不安分,也该守己。Although the restless, also keep the.

你的丑和你的脸没有关系。Your ugly face is not related to your face.

你长得真是天生励志!You are born inspirational!

是哪个盗墓的把你给挖出来了!What is your grave to dig out!

这是什么意思?What’s the meaning of this?

真是白痴一个!What a stupid idiot!

离我远一点儿!Get out from me!

看看这烂摊子!Look at this mess!


不好意思,我听不懂动物的语言。I’m sorry, I don’t understand the language of animals.

要我说几次呀,你真他妈的笨!Want me to say a few times, you’re really fucking stupid!

走自己的路,让猫和狗说去吧。Go your own way, let the cat and the dog say.

国际脸孔世界通用。International face world.

然后你可以走了。Then you can go.

擒贼先擒王,骂人先骂娘。Qinzeixianqinwang, at first aguirre.

锻炼肌肉,防止挨揍!Exercise the muscles, prevent beaten!

再有钱的人也在为钱苦恼。And then the rich people are suffering for the money.

做免费的鸡挺辛苦挺累的吧!Do free chicken very hard very tired of it!

你那些五官,真是令人发指。Your facial features, is really outrageous.
