每次我梦见你,就会被吓醒。Every time I dream of you, I’m scared to wake up.
让人格与脑门一同闪亮。Let the personality and forehead shine together.
你太过分了!You have crossed the line!
狼心狗肺总好过撕心裂肺。Better than as cruel as a wolf.
管好你自己的事!Mind your own business!
我说的你就信,你智商低呀!I say you believe that you are low IQ!
不把你打出屎来算你拉的干净。Don’t you play shit to count you pull the clean.
我再也受不了啦!I’ve not going to put up with this!
遇见你之前我还不以貌取人呢。I haven’t met you before you go.
远看是美景,近看想报警。Look at the beautiful scenery, close to look at the alarm.
走开。Go away。
看你写的字就知道你没读过书。See you write the word will know you have not read the book.
国家怎么不拿你的脸去做防弹衣!Why don’t you get your face to make a bullet proof vest!
滚蛋。Rats, screw you。
你从来就不说实话!You never tell the truth!
你知道你在做什么吗?What do you think you are doing?
长的飞沙走石鬼斧神工。Long flying sand and rolling pebbles extraordinary as if done by the spirits.
贱人就是矫情,矫情就得死的早!Bitch is hypocritical, hypocritical to die early!
你疯了吗?Are you out of you mind?
只要你敢死,我就敢埋。If you dare, I dare to bury.