

远离那些企图让你丧失雄心的人吧。小人经常如此,而真正的伟人会让你觉得你也可以变得伟大。Stay away from those who are trying to make you lose your ambition. Small people often do, and the real great man will make you feel that you can become great.

没有什么事物是比一个年纪轻轻的悲观主义者更可怜的了。Nothing is more pathetic than an old pessimist.

当你发现你跟大多数人站同一立场时,你就该停下来仔细想想了。When you find that you stand in the same position as most people, you should stop and think about it.

你解释越多,我越难理解。The more you explain, the harder I understand.

皱纹应该只是微笑留下的印记。Wrinkles should just leave a smile on the mark.

20年后,让你觉得更失望的不是你做过的事情,而是你没有做过的事情。所以,解开帆索,从安全的港湾里扬帆出行吧。乘着信风,去探索,去梦想,去发现!20 years later, it’s not the things you do that make you feel more disappointed, but the things that you don’t do. So, to sail, sail away from the safe harbor. Take the trade winds, to explore, to dream, to find!

真实比虚构更古怪,因为虚构总受限于可能性,而真实不会。Truth is stranger than fiction, because fiction is always limited to possibilities, but not reality.

生活的成功需要两个因素:愚昧以及自信。The success of life requires two factors: ignorance and confidence.

每个人都像月亮,有着从来不让任何人看见的黑暗面。Every man is like the moon, with the dark side that never let anyone see.

越是禁止的事物越流行。The more forbidden things the more popular.


最好闭上嘴,让别人只是觉得你可能是个笨蛋,而不是把张嘴说话,使他们完全确定。Best to close your mouth and let someone else just think you might be a fool, not talk to your mouth so that they can be completely determined.

让自己高兴起来的最好办法就是设法让别人高兴起来。The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer someone else up.

真理还在穿鞋的时候,谎言就走遍了半个世界。When the truth is putting on its shoes, lies halfway around the world.

我总是等机会错过了才发现我曾有过机会。I was always waiting for the chance to find out I had a chance.

真正伟大的人让你产生你也能伟大起来的感觉。Truly great people make you feel that you can be great.

一个人的性格可以到他交谈中使用的形容词中去了解。A person’s character can be used in his conversation to understand the adjective.

人类有一件真正有力的武器,那就是笑。Human beings have a really powerful weapon, that is to laugh.

世界上主要有两类人。第一类人有所成就,第二类人号称自己有所成就。第一类人不如第二类人那么多。There are two kinds of people in the world. The first kind of person has the achievement, the second kind of person claims to have the achievement. The first category is not as many as second types of people.

善良是聋子能听,瞎子能看的语言。Kindness is the deaf can hear and the blind can see the language.

今天显然什么都有可能发生。Apparently nothing could happen today.
